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Bayer continues to focus on creating innovative crop solutions to help famers control existing crop threats, get ahead of emerging ones and ensure we are offering a diverse set of products, from Seed to Harvest.
From seed to harvest, Bayer is your trusted source for whole farm, tailored crop solutions.
If you’ve got questions, we’ve got answers. It’s everything you need to know, all in one quick, easy to access place.
Find out how to get the most out of your crop and the most out of your money.
Serenade® SOIL is a new biological fungicide that protects against soil diseases like rhizoctonia and pythium and is exempt from tolerances (no MRL or residue concerns) so you can sell your crops into even the most restrictive markets.
Application Tips
Serenade SOIL Label Serenade SOIL SDS
Alberta British Columbia Manitoba New Brunswick Northwest Territories Nova Scotia Nunavut Ontario Prince Edward Island Quebec Saskatchewan Yukon