Be pest proof.
Leaf diseases limit yield, while gibberella infection creates quality-debilitating toxins. A further cause for concern is the rising populations of Western bean cutworms (WBC), which make plants more vulnerable to disease infection. So, how does a fungicide application help protect you from these impending diseases and pest pressures? The answer is, it does with proper spraying and timing. Spray at early tassel and you get broad spectrum leaf disease protection. Spray at early silking and you get late-season leaf disease, gibberella ear rot protection and DON reduction. In addition, you can opt to tank mix an insecticide for WBC.
A third option is spraying at both early tassel and early silking. Depending on corn prices and disease and insect pressure – it may make sense for your crop. It’s important to pick the right fungicide product and apply it at the right time. If you’re not worried about DON, consider a leaf disease fungicide such as Stratego® PRO applied at early tassel*. If DON is a concern, apply Proline at silking for DON reduction and late season leaf disease control**. You’ll get a yield increase from both options.