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Bayer Infinity Products | Powerful broadleaf weed control herbicides


Cereal Crops
Infinity formulations control a wide-spectrum of the toughest broadleaf weeds in cereals.
Herbicide group 27 Herbicide group 6
Powered by unique Group 27, Pyrasulfotole and Group 6, Bromoxynil

Infinity and Infinity FX herbicides provides growers with the ability to take out the toughest broadleaf weeds in cereals, including cleavers, kochia and Canada fleabane – whether they’re resistant or not.

Infinity Products

Logo de l’herbicide Infinity
Cereal Crops
Barley, Bromegrass, Perennial Ryegrass, Red Fescue, Timothy, Triticale, Wheat (spring, durum, winter)
Herbicide group 6 Herbicide group 27
Available in bulk
  • Infinity herbicide provides powerful broadleaf weed control of the most difficult and problematic weeds across the Canada, including kochia, buckwheat, cleavers and Canada fleabane
  • Features Group 27 technology, the only new Group in cereals for over 30 years for sound resistance management
  • Crop safe and tank-mix friendly with all major graminicides
Infinity FX herbicide logo
Cereal Crops
Barley, Bromegrass, Perennial Ryegrass, Red Fescue, Timothy, Triticale, Wheat (spring, durum, winter)
Herbicide group 4 Herbicide group 6 Herbicide group 27

Convenient 3-in-1
available in bulk

  • Infinity FX herbicide has exceptional activity on the worst broadleaf weeds like Canada fleabane and buckwheat, including industry-leading control of cleavers (up to 9 whorls) and kochia (up to 15 cm in height)
  • Excellent resistance management – with the combined strength of three different herbicide Groups on the same weed species, including Group 27 pyrasulfotole
  • Wide window of application


Cereal Crops Cereals