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Yield Estimator

Corn Icon Corn Yield Estimating Instructions

Step 1

Pick a representative area, not the best, not the worst

Row width Length of row to measure for 1/1000th of an acre
51 cm (20") 8.0 m (26.1')
76 cm (30") 5.3 m (17.4')

Step 2

Mark off 1/1000th of an acre

Step 3

Strip off husks of all cobs in this section

Step 4

Input the number of harvestable ears:

Step 5

Select an average ear and

Input the number of rows:
Input the number of harvestable kernals per row:

Enter numbers above to receive an estimate of your yield potential.

Enter numbers to the left to receive an estimate of your yield potential.

Based on your information you will receive:
XXXXXX bushels/acre
Estimated Yield