Brand LogoHerbicide

Velocity m3

Don’t be fooled by the complex combination of three different modes of action (Groups 27, 6 and 2), because all you really need to know about Velocity m3 herbicide is that it simply works. With Velocity m3 you get all the chemistry you need to control 32 different broadleaf and grass weeds including Group 1-resistant wild oats and foxtail, and Group 2- and Group 9-resistant broadleaf weeds.

fs-approved-use: AB, MB, SK





All-in-one pre-mixed herbicide has your grass and broadleaf active ingredients combined into one jug.

Powerful resistance management tool with three chemistries (Groups 27, 6 and 2) that combat both Group 1-resistant wild oats and Group 2- and Group 9-resistant broadleaf weeds

Excellent crop safety.

Registered for both ground and aerial application.




Broadleaf & Grass Weeds

6 Bromoxynil
27 Pyrasulfotole
2 Thiencarbazone-methyl

Liquid OD Formulation

8.1 L jug = 20 ac.

129.6 L bulk shuttle = 320 ac.




Broadleaf & Grass Weeds


6 Bromoxynil
27 Pyrasulfotole
2 Thiencarbazone-methyl


Liquid OD Formulation


8.1 L jug = 20 ac.

129.6 L bulk shuttle = 320 ac.


Barnyard grass

Green foxtail

Canary seed

Japanese brome (spring germinated)

Wild oats


Perennial sowthistle

Canada thistle


Barnyard grass

Green foxtail

Canary seed

Japanese brome (spring germinated)

Wild oats



Perennial sowthistle

Canada thistle

Performance Data


    Spring & Durum Wheat
    Wild oats
    Green foxtail
    Barnyard grass
    Yellow foxtail (suppression only)
    Persian darnel (suppression only)
    1 to 6 leaf stage, maximum 3 tillers, but prior to presence of the first node (jointing)
    0.405 L/ac.
    Do not apply an ALS herbicide such as Velocity m3 following presence of first node as crop injury may occur. Nodes are bumps that appear on the main stem above the crown. The appearance of the first node marks the transition from vegetative to reproductive growth.
    Winter Wheat
    Please refer to label for complete list of weeds controlled and suppressed.
    Apply either in the fall or spring when the majority of plants have one leaf to full tillering, but prior to presence of the first node (jointing)
    0.405 L/ac.

    Fill the spray tank ¼ to ½ full with clean water and begin agitation or bypass
    If adding AMS, always add AMS to the tank first (one 10 L jug of AMS will treat 20 ac.)
    Next, add Velocity m3, followed by the permissible tank-mix partner
    If adding a tank mix permissible MCPA or 2,4-D, always include AMS
    Do not apply to crop that is under stress due to abnormal environmental conditions such as frost, extreme heat, low fertility, drought, flooding, or disease and/or insect damage as crop injury may result.
    In spring and durum wheat, do not spray Velocity m3 if time between seeding and spraying exceeds 35 days in drought conditions as drought hastens crop development.
    Do not spray Velocity m3 three days prior to or following cold temperatures (3°C or lower).
    Do not treat wheat underseeded to legumes.

    Spring and durum wheat (grain or straw)
    60 days
    24 hours
    Winter wheat
    72 days
    24 hours
    30 days
    24 hours
    25 days

    Ground – minimum of 5 US gal./ac. (19 L/ac.)
    Aerial – minimum of 3 US gal./ac. (11 L/ac.)

    1 hour

    For a list of permissible tank-mix partners and mixing order, please refer to the product label.


    Alfalfa, barley, canary seed, canola, flax, oats, sunflowers and wheat can be planted 10 months following an application of Velocity m3. Lentils can be planted 22 months following an application of Velocity m3. Field peas may be grown the year following Velocity m3 herbicide application in all black, grey-wooded and dark brown soil zones. Do not plant field peas the year following a Velocity m3 application in the brown soil zone where organic matter content is below 2.5% and where soil pH is above 7.5. In Manitoba only, corn (field) and soybeans can be planted 10 months following an application of Velocity m3.

    The unique Group 27 active in Velocity m3 herbicide gives you the newest chemistry in herbicides. With only a few Group 27 herbicides on the market, you can be sure you are getting a powerful herbicide and a superb rotational tool to knock out the toughest resistant weeds in your field.



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