When it comes to protecting your crops from disease our roster works effectively to control a wide variety of diseases so you can be sure you’re getting the protection you need to increase quality and maximize yield potential.
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Berries & Grapes
- P07Fosetyl AL
- Group P07 fungicide
- Fully systemic fungicide rapidly absorbed by roots and leaves, allowing the plant to build its own defense against disease
- Moves both up and down inside the plant to protect new growth between treatments
- Complex mode of action helps avoid resistance development
FUNGICIDEDelaro Complete
- 3Prothioconazole
- 7Fluopyram
- 11Trifloxystrobin
- Introduces the Group 7 active, fluopyram, which offers excellent protection in high disease situations
- Delaro Complete has three modes of action (Groups 3, 11, 7) that work in tandem for added protection
- Effective management of major corn and soybean diseases, including control of tar spot and suppression of white mould
- Effective management of major pulse diseases, including control of anthracnose (including biotypes resistant to Group 11 fungicides in lentil and chickpea), ascochyta (including Ascochyta rabiei biotypes resistant to Group 11 fungicides in chickpea), mycosphaerella blight, white and grey mould and powdery mildew.
- 3Prothioconazole
- 11Trifloxystrobin
- Delaro combines two highly dynamic and complementary active ingredients – prothioconazole (Group 3) and trifloxystrobin (Group 11) – for dual mode of action to provide quick and long-lasting protection
- Proven broad-spectrum, comprehensive, disease control for all major pulse and soybean stem, leaf and pod diseases
- Delivers excellent leaf disease control in cereals with optimal timing being at early flag leaf, before the head starts to emerge from the boot
Berries & Grapes
- 11Trifloxystrobin
- Proven Efficacy: Provides proven broad-spectrum control of key diseases in a variety of crops
- Excellent Compatibility: Good crop safety history and mix compatibility with other products, making it an excellent fit for many Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs
- Easy to Use: Low use rates in an easy-to-use liquid SC formulation
- The active ingredient in Flint Extra rapidly penetrates the waxy layer of the plant tissues and redistributes on the plant surface, providing locked-in protection against disease, even within hard-to-penetrate plant canopies.
FUNGICIDELuna Sensation
Berries & Grapes
- 7Fluopyram
- 11Trifloxystrobin
- Effective on stone fruit, betters and many vegetables.
- Controls harmful diseases like botrytis grey mould, powdery mildew and anthracnose
- Broad-spectrum fungicide with preventive and systemic properties
- Provides proven yield increases and improved quality
FUNGICIDELuna Tranquility
Berries & Grapes
- 7Fluopyram
- 9Pyrimethanil
- Luna Tranquility fungicide delivers unparalleled disease protection for pome fruit, grapes, potatoes, small berries, bulb vegetables and tomatoes.
- For apples, it’s co-formulation fungicide controls leaf scab (including resistant strains), while providing protection against powdery mildew in the same application.
- For grape growers, Luna Tranquility controls both powdery mildew and botrytis.
- In potatoes Luna Tranquility provides excellent leaf spot complex protection (early blight and brown leaf spot), including strains with reduced sensitivity to Group 11 and current Group 7 fungicides. It also protects against white mould and black dot.
- BM02Bacillus subtilis strain QST 713
- Minuet biological fungicide is a great addition to a full-season program to support increased crop quality and yield potential.
- Protection against soil-borne diseases such as rhizoctonia root rot, black scurf and stem canker, plus it has activity against pink rot and root rot caused by fusarium, phytophthora and pythium.
- In potatoes, Minuet fungicide is compatible with other in-furrow products such as Velum® Rise fungicide/nematicide.
- Specifically designed for soil application.
Berries & Grapes
- 5Spiroxamine
- Delivers highly effective protection against powdery mildew and is an excellent rotation and resistance management tool – the only Group 5 fungicide for wine grapes (spiroxamine)
Berries & Grapes
- 3Prothioconazole
- 7Fluopyram
- Proline GOLD fungicide delivers outstanding protection in high disease pressure situations against sclerotinia.
- Two modes of action work in synergy to provide exceptional yield and disease protection. The combination of two powerful actives, the trusted performance of prothioconazole (Group 3) combined with fluopyram (Group 7), provides growers with the satisfaction of knowing their canola is protected.
- An easy to use liquid formulation that provides systemic and contact protection for both immediate and extended results.
FUNGICIDEProline Gold Horticulture
Berries & Grapes
- 3Prothioconazole
- 7Fluopyram
- Proline GOLD fungicide offers exceptional control of key diseases in potatoes, bushberries and low-growing berries
- In potatoes, Proline GOLD fungicide provides control of early blight, brown leaf spot, and white mould as well as protection against black dot
- Easy-to-use liquid formulation and one labelled rate
- Excellent resistance management tool and a great rotational fit with Scala® fungicide in potatoes
- 3Prothioconazole
- Proline helps protect yield potential in corn by providing leaf disease control, stalk rot protection and DON reduction
- Provides canola growers with the satisfaction of knowing their crop is protected from yield-robbing sclerotinia.
- Provides white mould and ascochyta disease control in pulse crops, especially when disease pressure is high and multiple fungicide applications are required
- 7Fluopyram
- 3Prothioconazole
- 3Tebuconazole
- Prosaro PRO, designed for you, the professional wheat and barley grower who is looking to maximize your return on investment
- Delivers exceptional protection from fusarium head blight (FHB) and reduces deoxynivalenol (DON)
- The first foliar fungicide registered in Canada with ergot on the label
- Provides elite control of all major leaf diseases including blotch (glume, leaf, net, spot), rusts (leaf, stem, stripe) and tan spot
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