Quality, Health, Safety, and Environment (QHSE)
of Bayer CropScience Inc.

The undersigned are committed to continuous improvement with respect to QHSE being in agreement with the Policy of Bayer CropScience Inc. global and adopt the Vision, Principles and Commitment as presented below for Bayer CropScience Inc. Canada.

Cameron Friedrich
Director, Product Supply President/CEO
Bayer CropScience Inc.

Al Driver
Bayer CropScience Inc.

Our Vision
Bayer CropScience Inc. wants to be acknowledged as a QHSE Industry Leader in Crop Protection, BioScience and Environmental Science providing innovative solutions meeting the needs of our customers in line with the global principles of Responsible Care and Sustainable Development.

Our Principles
We conduct our businesses with respect and care for the environment and without compromising the health and safety of people, whether employees, customers, or citizens around the world.

We strive for continuous improvement of all our business processes while at the same time meeting or exceeding all relevant legal or regulatory requirements and appropriate international standards.

The high quality of our practices, products and services, as key elements, aim to make our customers successful and add value to our businesses.
We provide an environment for an open and transparent internal and external communication.

The diversity and skills of our employees world-wide are essential for understanding and fulfilling the needs of our customers.

All resources needed to achieve these objectives will be ensured by Bayer CropScience Inc. Every employee has to support these principles.

Our Commitment
In order to follow these principles every part of the Bayer CropScience Inc. businesses will:

Integrate QHSE into the business strategies and processes to add value to Bayer following the QHSE philosophy “Quality and Safety Excellence”
Manage QHSE effectively by developing, implementing and maintaining a best practice integrated, process oriented management system for all businesses and in accordance with agreed requirements and guidelines
Analyze and manage the QHSE risks of the business throughout product life cycle and assess and manage the environmental impacts from past practices
Manage and measure QHSE performance and develop annual and long-term QHSE objectives to achieve continuous, sustainable improvement
Verify compliance of the QHSE management system with internal and external requirements through audits and strive for compliance with international standards like ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001
Address QHSE issues and their impact in all practices, processes and products to align our business with public and customer expectations
Promote QHSE awareness and enhance confidence and acceptance of all stakeholders by informing, communicating, training, advising and encouraging, both internally and externally

Bayer CropScience Inc. recognizes the need and right of public emergency response organizations to know the risks associated with the products and operations in our agricultural chemical facility in Regina, Saskatchewan. This emergency response contingency plan, developed in accordance with our policies and procedures, is intended to provide the necessary information and procedures to ensure the safe, efficient handling of emergency situations (fire, spills, releases) regardless of cause.


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