Brand LogoFungicide

Luna Sensation

Luna Sensation® is a fungicide for horticulture growers, designed for optimal efficacy on stone fruit and many vegetables. And now, use Luna Sensation on low growing berries for control of harmful diseases such as botrytis grey mould, powdery mildew and anthracnose. Luna Sensation combines the trusted power of the fungicide active ingredients fluopyram and trifloxystrobin. It’s a systemic fungicide that targets problematic diseases such as sclerotinia rot, powdery mildew, anthracnose on strawberry and botrytis grey mould. It even provides post-harvest quality benefits for soft fruit.

fs-approved-use: AB, BC, MB, NB, NL, NS, NT, NU, ON, PE, QC, SK, YK





Effective on stone fruit, betters and many vegetables.

Controls harmful diseases like botrytis grey mould, powdery mildew and anthracnose

Broad-spectrum fungicide with preventive and systemic properties

Provides proven yield increases and improved quality

Unique chemistry demonstrates post-harvest quality benefits during transit and storage of soft fruit

An all-in-one formulation with two active ingredients providing two fungicide modes of action, Groups 7 & 11

Luna Sensation contains the active ingredient fluopyram which is currently the only non-carboxamide Group 7 fungicide available giving it unique plant mobility benefits allowing uniform uptake after application

Luna Sensation is part of the Luna® family of products, optimized for stone fruit and vegetables



Stone Fruit

Small Berries

Leafy Vegetables

Group 7 Fluopyram
Group 11 Trifloxystrobin


2 L jug


Stone Fruit

Small Berries

Leafy Vegetables


Group 7 Fluopyram
Group 11 Trifloxystrobin




2 L jug


Alternaria blight

Alternaria leaf blight

Anthracnose (strawberry only)

Blossom blight

Brown rot


Alternaria blight

Alternaria leaf blight

Anthracnose (strawberry only)

Blossom blight

Brown rot


    Carrot And Other Root Vegetables (Crop Subgroup 1B)
    Alternaria Blight
    300-500 mL/ha
    (122-203 mL/ac.)
    Carrot And Other Root Vegetables (Crop Subgroup 1B)
    Powdery Mildew
    300-400 mL/ha
    (122-162 mL/ac.)
    Carrot And Other Root Vegetables (Crop Subgroup 1B)
    Cottony Rot/Sclerotinia Rot
    500 mL/ha
    (203 mL/ac.)
    Leafy Green Vegetables, Except Brassica (Crop Subgroup 4A)
    Lettuce Drop And Sclerotinia Rot
    400-600 mL/ha
    (162-243 mL/ac.)
    Leafy Green Vegetables, Except Brassica (Crop Subgroup 4A)
    Powdery Mildew
    300-400 mL/ha
    (122-162 mL/ac.)
    Leafy Petiole Vegetables, Except Brassica (Crop Subgroup 4B)
    Late Blight
    300-400 mL/ha
    (122-162 mL/ac.)
    Leafy Petiole Vegetables, Except Brassica (Crop Subgroup 4B)
    Powdery Mildew
    300-400 mL/ha
    (122-162 mL/ac.)
    Brassica (Cole) Vegetables (Crop Group 5)
    Sclerotinia Rot
    400-600 mL/ha
    (162-243 mL/ac.)
    Brassica (Cole) Vegetables (Crop Group 5)
    Powdery Mildew
    300-400 mL/ha
    (122-162 mL/ac.)
    Brassica (Cole) Vegetables (Crop Group 5)
    Alternaria Leaf Blight
    300-500 mL/ha
    (122-203 mL/ac.)
    Cucurbit Vegetables (Crop Group 9)
    Powdery Mildew
    300-400 mL/ha
    (122-162 mL/ac.)
    Stone Fruit (Crop Group 12-09)
    Brown Rot, Blossom Blight And Monilinia Fruit Rot
    300-400 mL/ha
    (122-162 mL/ac.)
    Stone Fruit (Crop Group 12-09)
    Powdery Mildew
    300-400 mL/ha
    (122-162 mL/ac.)
    Stone Fruit (Crop Group 12-09)
    Cherry Leaf Spot
    300-400 mL/ha
    (122-162 mL/ac.)
    Stone Fruit (Crop Group 12-09)
    300-400 mL/ha
    (122-162 mL/ac.)
    Low Growing Berries (Crop Subgroup 13-07G)
    Grey Mould
    Anthracnose (Strawberry Only)
    500-600 mL/ha
    Low Growing Berries (Crop Subgroup 13-07G)
    Powdery Mildew
    300-400 mL/ha
    (122-162 mL/ha)
    Powdery Mildew
    300-600 mL/ha
    (122-243 mL/ac.)

    Luna Sensation is best suited for use in a preventive treatment program
    Thorough coverage is essential for maximum protection. Ensure sufficient water volume and spray pressure is used.
    For all worker activities, do not enter, or allow worker entry into treated areas within 12 hours after application
    To minimize runoff, avoid applications when rainfall is forecasted to occur within 48 hours
    Pre-harvest interval will vary based on the crop being sprayed; refer to the Luna Sensation label for specific pre-harvest intervals

    Refer to product label for maximum number of applications allowed per crop or Crop Group.

    Fruit Crops (Hops and Stone Fruit): Apply by ground application equipment in a minimum spray volume of 500 L/ha, unless specified otherwise
    Vegetable Crops (Carrot and other Root Vegetables, Leafy Green and Petiole Vegetables, Brassica (Cole) Leafy Vegetables and Cucurbits, and Low Growing Berries): Apply in a minimum spray volume of 200 L/ha

    Rainfast when dry.

    There are no registered tank mixes


    Do not store below freezing (0° C) temperatures

    To limit the potential for development of disease resistance to these fungicide classes, do not make more than 2 applications of Luna Sensation or any Group 7 or Group 11 fungicide before rotating with a fungicide from a different Group
    For multi-spray crops, the total number of sprays containing Luna Sensation or any Group 7 or Group 11 fungicide should not exceed half of the total number of fungicide applications in a season
    Fungicide use should be based on an integrated disease management program that includes scouting, historical information related to pesticide use and crop rotation and considers host plant resistance, impact of environmental conditions on disease development, disease thresholds, as well as cultural, biological and other chemical control practices



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