| Sclerotinia Stem Rot
| Apply when the crop is in the 20 - 50% bloom stage. Best protection will be achieved when the fungicide is applied prior to petals beginning to fall, and will allow for the maximum number of petals to be protected. Good spray coverage of the plants is essential. Apply a second application 10 – 14 days later, up to full bloom, if disease persists or weather conditions are favourable for disease development.
| 253 mL/ac. (625 ml/ha)
Lentils, Dry Beans, Field Pea
| White Mould
| Begin fungicide applications preventatively. When disease pressure is high or when agronomic or weather conditions are conducive to disease development, continue applications as needed on a 7- to 14-day interval. Use shorter intervals for best protection. Ensure that the area to be treated is covered uniformly. Good spray coverage and canopy penetration are important for best results.
| 304 mL/ac. (750 mL/ha)
| Anthracnose On Lentil Including Biotypes Resistant To Group 11 (Strobilurin, Qol) Fungicides
| Begin fungicide applications preventatively. The first Proline GOLD application should be made prior to the appearance of stem lesions, typically anywhere between the 8-10 node stage and early flowering. Apply a second time 7-14 days later when disease pressure is high or when agronomic or weather conditions are conducive to disease development.
| 304 mL/ac. (750 mL/ha)
Dry Beans, Chickpea, Field Pea, Lentils
| Ascochyta Blight Mycosphaerella Blight Anthracnose In Dry Bean Asian Soybean Rust
| Begin fungicide applications preventatively. When disease pressure is high or when agronomic or weather conditions are conducive to disease development, continue applications as needed, on a 10 – 14-day interval. Use the higher rate when conditions for heavy infestation exist. Use the higher rate when growing less resistant cultivars. Ensure that the area to be treated is covered uniformly.
| 202 – 304 mL/ac. (500 – 750 mL/ha)
| Septoria Leaf (Suppression)
| Apply Proline GOLD fungicide at the first sign of disease. After the initial application, one additional application may be made 10-14 days afterwards if conditions remain favourable for continued or increased disease development.
| 750 mL/ha 304 mL/ac.
| Leaf Rust (Suppression) Veldensinia Leaf Spot (Blueberry Only) (Suppression)
| Apply Proline Gold fungicide at the first sign of disease. After the initial application, one additional application may be made 10-14 days afterwards if conditions remain favourable for continued or increased disease development.
| 1000 mL/ha (405 mL/ac.)
| Monilinia Blight
| Begin applications when 40 percent of the blossom buds have the bud scales separated. A second application of Proline Gold fungicide or another approved fungicide should be applied 7 to 10 days later.
| 750 mL/ha (304 mL/ac.)
Low Growing Berries, Except Strawberries
| Fruit Rot
| Begin applications at early bloom for fruit rot. Make a second application of Proline GOLD fungicide or another approved fungicide 7-14 days later. Apply specified dosage in the following methods 1. Foliar spray application 2. Soil application Chemigation into the rootzone through low- pressure drip, trickle, micro-sprinkler or equivalent equipment.
| 875 mL/ha (354 mL/ac.)