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Prosaro PRO

Prosaro® PRO fungicide sets the standard as the first foliar fungicide registered in Canada to deliver ergot, fusarium head blight and leaf disease protection in wheat, barley, oats and triticale. An effective, multi-mode of action solution with three powerful active ingredients, Prosaro PRO provides exceptional protection in high disease situations. So, when you want to maximize your return on investment, reach for Prosaro PRO.

fs-approved-use: AB, BC, MB, NB, NL, NS, ON, PE, QC, SK





Prosaro PRO, designed for you, the professional wheat and barley grower who is looking to maximize your return on investment

Delivers exceptional protection from fusarium head blight (FHB) and reduces deoxynivalenol (DON)

The first foliar fungicide registered in Canada with ergot on the label

Provides elite control of all major leaf diseases including blotch (glume, leaf, net, spot), rusts (leaf, stem, stripe) and tan spot

A multi-mode of action solution containing three powerful active ingredients: Prothioconazole (Group 3), tebuconazole (Group 3) and fluopyram (Group 7)

Delivers a healthy, green crop without impacting maturity





Wheat (Durum, Spring, Winter)

Group 7 Fluopyram
Group 3 Prothioconazole
Group 3 Tebuconazole

Suspension Concentrate

6.07 L jug = 20 ac.

97.17 L drum = 320 ac.




Wheat (Durum, Spring, Winter)


Group 7 Fluopyram
Group 3 Prothioconazole
Group 3 Tebuconazole


Suspension Concentrate


6.07 L jug = 20 ac.

97.17 L drum = 320 ac.


Crown rust

Leaf blotch

Leaf rust

Net blotch

Powdery mildew


Fusarium Head Blight


Crown rust

Leaf blotch

Leaf rust

Net blotch

Powdery mildew



Fusarium Head Blight

Performance Data


    Net blotch
    Spot blotch
    Septoria leaf blotch
    Leaf, stem and stripe rusts
    Powdery mildew
    Ergot (Suppression)
    Fusarium head blight (Suppression)
    For suppression of fusarium head blight and ergot, apply Prosaro PRO as a preventative spray within the time period when 70 to 100% of the barley main stem heads are fully emerged, to 3 days after full head emergence. Application at this timing will also control the listed leaf diseases. Application of the 1.0 L/ha rate is suggested in situations where disease pressure is expected to be high.
    750 mL/ha (304 mL/ac.) - 1000 mL/ha (405 mL/ac.)
    Non-ionic surfactant at 0.125% vol/vol
    Apply with a non-ionic surfactant, for example Agral 90 or AgSurf, at 0.125% v/v.
    Ground and Aerial Application
    For ground application, apply specified dosage in a minimum of 100 L of water per hectare. For aerial application, apply specified dosage in a minimum of 50 L of water per hectare.
    Leaf and glume blotch
    Tan spot
    Powdery mildew
    Spot blotch
    Ergot (Suppression)
    Fusarium Head Blight (Suppression)
    For suppression of fusarium head blight and ergot, apply Prosaro PRO as a preventative spray within the time period from when at least 75% of the wheat heads on the main stem are fully emerged to when 50% of the heads on the main stem are in flower. Optimal application timing is when first flowers emerge on the main heads. Application at this timing will also control the listed leaf diseases. Application of the 1.0 L/ha rate is suggested in situations where disease pressure is expected to be high.
    750 mL/ha (304 mL/ac.) - 1000 mL/ha (405 mL/ac.)
    Non-ionic surfactant at 0.125% vol/vol
    Apply with a non-ionic surfactant, for example Agral 90 or AgSurf, at 0.125% v/v.
    Ground and Aerial Application
    For ground application, apply specified dosage in a minimum of 100 L of water per hectare. For aerial application, apply specified dosage in a minimum of 50 L of water per hectare.
    Crown rust
    Stem rust
    Ergot (suppression)
    Fusarium head blight (suppression)
    Leaf and Stem Diseases Apply Prosaro PRO as a preventive foliar spray when the earliest disease symptoms appear on the leaves and stems. Fields should be observed closely for early disease symptoms, particularly when susceptible varieties are planted and/or under prolonged conditions favorable for disease development.
    For suppression of fusarium head blight and ergot, apply Prosaro PRO as a preventative spray within the time period from when at least 75% of the oat panicles on the main stem are fully emerged to when 50% of the panicles on the main stem are in flower. Application of the 1.0 L/ha rate is suggested in situations where disease pressure is expected to be high. Such situations may occur when prolonged periods of warm wet weather are forecast during anthesis.
    750 mL/ha (304 mL/ac.) - 1000 mL/ha (405 mL/ac.)
    Non-ionic surfactant at 0.125% vol/vol
    Apply with a non-ionic surfactant, for example Agral 90 or AgSurf, at 0.125% v/v.
    Ground and Aerial Application

    Add one-half of the required amount of water to the mix tank and start agitation
    Add the required quantity of Prosaro PRO to the water and complete filling with water to the required total volume
    Maintain agitation throughout mixing
    Prosaro PRO is recommended to be used with a registered non-ionic surfactant (NIS), such as Agral® 90 or Ag Surf®, at 0.125% vol/vol. Prosaro PRO should be thoroughly mixed prior to the addition of a NIS. Add the NIS into the tank last after Prosaro PRO and water have been mixed into solution.
    Prosaro PRO may be applied sequentially after an application of TilMOR® after a minimum of 7 days.

    Prosaro PRO may be applied sequentially after an application of TilMOR® after a minimum of 7 days.
    36 days
    12 hours
    Do not allow livestock to graze, or feed green forage to livestock prior to 14 days after application
    Straw cut after harvest may be fed or used for bedding
    Prosaro PRO may be applied sequentially after an application of TilMOR® after a minimum of 7 days.
    36 days
    12 hours
    Prosaro PRO may be applied sequentially after an application of TilMOR® after a minimum of 7 days.
    36 days
    12 hours
    Prosaro PRO may be applied sequentially after an application of TilMOR® after a minimum of 7 days.
    36 days
    12 hours

    A maximum of 1 application of Prosaro PRO fungicide may be applied per crop season.

    Ground – minimum of 10 US gal./ac. (38 L/ac.)
    Aerial – minimum of 5 US gal./ac. (19 L/ac.)

    1 hour

    For a list of permissible tank-mix partners and mixing order, please refer to the product label.


    Treated areas may be replanted with any crop specified on this label and soybean as soon as practical after the last application. For all other crops, do not plant back within 120 days of last application.

    Store this product away from food or feed. Do not contaminate water, food, or feed by storage or disposal. Do not store below freezing. If stored for 1 year or longer, shake well before using. Store the tightly closed container away from feeds, seeds, fertilizer, plants and foodstuffs. Do not use or store in or around the home. Keep the product in the original container during storage.

    It is in everyone’s best interest to preserve the fungicide tools we currently have available to avoid the situation we have with herbicide resistance. It should be noted that there are fundamental differences between herbicide resistance and fungicide resistance. The following three factors need to be considered when assessing if a field is at risk for developing resistance. Assessing your resistance risk includes evaluating the combination of the fungicide mode of action (MOA), the pathogen and the specific farming practices being used.
    Evaluating the Risk of Fungicide Resistance
    Reports of fungicide resistance in cereal crops are fairly rare in North America. The main pathogens of concern for Canadian growers are all classified as low risk, including such diseases as fusarium and rusts. Additionally, agronomic and environmental conditions, which strongly influence resistance risk in Canadian provinces, are regarded as low.
    Read more about fungicide resistance risk and management

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