Brand LogoHerbicide

Varro FX

New Varro® FX herbicide is a cross-spectrum herbicide with Group 2 and Group 4 active ingredients. It provides control of your toughest grass weeds like Group 1-resistant wild oats and broadleaf weed control boost for cleavers, kochia and more. This is the first Group 2 graminicide with an emulsifiable concentrate (EC) formulation on the market in Western Canada. The EC formulation means Varro FX is easier to mix, handle and provides enhanced coverage for more consistent grass weed control.

fs-approved-use: AB, MB, SK





Unique Group 2 EC formulation allows for improved handling, easier tank and boom cleanout, more consistent grass control and eliminates the need for an external surfactant (NIS or AMS)

Provides control of your toughest grass weeds like Group 1-resistant wild oats and broadleaf weed control boost for cleavers, kochia and more

Tank mixable with an extensive range of broadleaf herbicides such as Buctril M, Thumper, Infinity, MCPA Ester and 2,4-D Ester herbicide

Available in two different package sizes to best fit your operation: 20 acre jug or 320 acre bulk drum

Flexible re-cropping including in the brown soil zone

Registered for both ground and aerial application



Wheat (Spring, Winter)

Broadleaf & Grass Weeds

4 Fluroxypyr
2 Thiencarbazone-methyl

Emulsifiable Concentrate

8.1 L jug = 20 acres

129.6 L drum = 320 acres


Wheat (Spring, Winter)


Broadleaf & Grass Weeds


4 Fluroxypyr
2 Thiencarbazone-methyl


Emulsifiable Concentrate


8.1 L jug = 20 acres

129.6 L drum = 320 acres


Wild buckwheat

Common chickweed


Green foxtail

Barnyard grass

Yellow foxtail

Persian darnel

Round-leaved mallow


Russian thistle


Wild buckwheat

Common chickweed


Green foxtail

Barnyard grass


Yellow foxtail

Persian darnel

Round-leaved mallow


Russian thistle

Performance Data


    Wheat (Spring & Durum)
    Wild Oats
    Green foxtail
    Yellow foxtail (suppression only)
    Persian darnel (suppression only)
    Barnyard grass
    1 to 6-leaf stage, up to emergence of the 3rd tiller
    0.4 L/acre (1 L/ha.)
    Wheat (Spring & Durum)
    Volunteer canary seed
    1 to 6-leaf stage, up to emergence of the 2nd tiller
    0.4 L/acre (1 L/ha.)
    Wheat (Spring & Durum)
    Japanese brome
    1 to 6-leaf stage
    0.4 L/acre (1 L/ha.)
    Control of spring-germinated Japanese brome. Suppression of overwintered Japanese brome. Best results are obtained after a pre-seed or burndown application with glyphosate herbicide.
    Wheat (Spring & Durum)
    1 to 9 whorls
    0.4 L/acre (1 L/ha.)
    Wheat (Spring & Durum)
    Common Chickweed
    1 to 4-leaf stage
    0.4 L/acre (1 L/ha.)
    Wheat (Spring & Durum)
    Lamb’s quarters
    Pale smartweed
    Redroot pigweed
    Round-leaved mallow (suppression only)
    Shepherd’s purse
    Volunteer canola (non ALS-tolerant)
    Wild buckwheat
    Wild mustard
    1 to 6-leaf stage
    0.4 L/acre (1 L/ha.)
    Wheat (Spring & Durum)
    2 to 8-leaf stage
    0.4 L/acre (1 L/ha.)
    Including biotypes resistant to Group 2 herbicides that inhibit the ALS enzyme.
    Wheat (Spring & Durum)
    Russian thistle (suppression only)
    1 to 6-leaf stage, up to 10 cm tall
    0.4 L/acre (1 L/ha.)
    Wheat (Spring & Durum)
    Stork’s bill (suppression only)
    1 to 8-leaf stage
    0.4 L/acre (1 L/ha.)
    Wheat (Spring & Durum)
    Volunteer flax
    1 to 12 cm tall
    0.4 L/acre (1 L/ha.)
    Including biotypes resistant to Group 2 herbicides that inhibit the ALS enzyme.

    Do not apply to crop that is under stress due to abnormal environmental conditions such as frost, extreme heat, low fertility, drought, flooding, or disease and/or insect damage as crop injury may result. Under drought conditions (spring wheat only): Do not spray Varro FX if time between seeding and spraying exceeds 35 days (as drought hastens crop development). Do not spray Varro FX three days prior to or following cold temperatures (3°C or lower). Do not treat wheat underseeded to legumes.

    Spring wheat
    60 days
    Winter wheat
    72 days
    30 days
    7 days

    Ground – minimum of 5 US gal./ac. (47 L/ha.)
    Aerial – minimum of 3 US gal./ac. (28 L/ha.)

    1 hour


    Alfalfa, barley (spring), canary seed, canola, corn (field), dry beans, flax, lentils, mustard, oats (spring), peas (field), soybeans, sunflowers, rye, timothy, triticale (spring and winter) and wheat (spring, durum and winter) can be planted 10 months following an application of Varro FX.

    Heated storage is required

    For resistance management, Varro FX is a Group 2 herbicide. Any weed population may contain or develop plants naturally resistant to Varro FX herbicide and other Group 2 herbicides. The resistant biotypes may dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly in the same field. Other resistance mechanisms that are not linked to site of action, but specific to individual chemicals such as enhanced metabolism, may also exist. Appropriate resistance management strategies should be followed.
    Contact your local Bayer representative at 1 888-283-6847 for any additional pesticide resistance management and/or integrated weed management recommendations for specific crops and weed biotypes.



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