Brand LogoHerbicide

Huskie PRE

Huskie™ PRE delivers fast, reliable early-season control of broadleaf weeds, including those resistant to Groups 2, 4, 5, 9, and 14. As Western Canada's first Group 27 herbicide for pre-cereal crop application, it offers unmatched flexibility and powerful weed control to enhance pre-burn tank-mixes like Roundup Transorb® HC herbicide, addressing today's toughest weed management challenges in cereal production.

fs-approved-use: AB, MB, SK





Rapid burn down activity

Consistent early-season control

Efficient and reliable, even on herbicide resistant broadleaf weeds (including Group 2, 4, 5, 9, 14)

Enhances cereal pre-burn tank-mixes like Roundup Transorb® HC herbicide

Flexible pack sizes to best fit the operational need on farm





Wheat (Durum, Spring, Winter)

Pre-Plant, Pre Emergent Herbicide

27 Pyrasulfotole (Group 27)
6 Bromoxynil (Group 6)

Emulsifiable Concentrate

8.1 L jug = 20 ac.

129.6 L drum = 320 ac.

405 L tote = 1,000 ac.




Wheat (Durum, Spring, Winter)


Pre-Plant, Pre Emergent Herbicide


27 Pyrasulfotole (Group 27)
6 Bromoxynil (Group 6)


Emulsifiable Concentrate


8.1 L jug = 20 ac.

129.6 L drum = 320 ac.

405 L tote = 1,000 ac.


Tartary buckwheat

Wild buckwheat

Canada fleabane




Giant ragweed

Perennial sowthistle


Tartary buckwheat

Wild buckwheat

Canada fleabane





Giant ragweed

Perennial sowthistle

Performance Data


    Pre-emergent to wheat (spring, durum, winter), triticale and barley
    American nightshade
    1 to 4-leaf stage
    1.0 – 1.25 L/ha
    Pre-emergent to wheat (spring, durum, winter), triticale and barley
    Annual sow-thistle
    1 to 6-leaf stage
    1.0 – 1.25 L/ha
    Pre-emergent to wheat (spring, durum, winter), triticale and barley
    1 to 4-leaf stage
    1.0 – 1.25 L/ha
    Pre-emergent to wheat (spring, durum, winter), triticale and barley
    1 to 6-leaf stage
    1.0 – 1.25 L/ha
    Pre-emergent to wheat (spring, durum, winter), triticale and barley
    1 to 6 whorls
    1.0 – 1.25 L/ha
    Pre-emergent to wheat (spring, durum, winter), triticale and barley
    Canada fleabane
    Up to 10 cm in height/diameter
    1.0 – 1.25 L/ha
    Pre-emergent to wheat (spring, durum, winter), triticale and barley
    Canada thistle (Suppression only)
    Up to 30 cm in height
    1.0 – 1.25 L/ha
    Pre-emergent to wheat (spring, durum, winter), triticale and barley
    1 to 4-leaf stage
    1.0 – 1.25 L/ha
    Pre-emergent to wheat (spring, durum, winter), triticale and barley
    Common buckwheat
    1 to 8-leaf stage
    1.0 – 1.25 L/ha
    Pre-emergent to wheat (spring, durum, winter), triticale and barley
    Common groundsel
    1 to 8-leaf stage
    1.0 – 1.25 L/ha
    Pre-emergent to wheat (spring, durum, winter), triticale and barley
    Common ragweed
    1 to 6-leaf stage
    1.0 – 1.25 L/ha
    Pre-emergent to wheat (spring, durum, winter), triticale and barley
    Cow cockle
    1 to 4-leaf stage
    1.0 – 1.25 L/ha
    Pre-emergent to wheat (spring, durum, winter), triticale and barley
    Dandelion (Suppression only) (includes seedlings and overwintered rosettes)
    Up to 10 cm in height and 25 cm in diameter
    1.0 – 1.25 L/ha
    Pre-emergent to wheat (spring, durum, winter), triticale and barley
    Up to 10 cm in height
    1.0 – 1.25 L/ha
    Pre-emergent to wheat (spring, durum, winter), triticale and barley
    Giant ragweed (Suppression only)
    1 to 6-leaf stage
    1.0 – 1.25 L/ha
    Pre-emergent to wheat (spring, durum, winter), triticale and barley
    Green smartweed
    1 to 6-leaf stage
    1.0 – 1.25 L/ha
    Pre-emergent to wheat (spring, durum, winter), triticale and barley
    1 to 6-leaf stage
    1.0 – 1.25 L/ha
    Pre-emergent to wheat (spring, durum, winter), triticale and barley
    1 to 4-leaf stage
    1.0 – 1.25 L/ha
    Pre-emergent to wheat (spring, durum, winter), triticale and barley
    Up to 10 cm in height
    1.0 – 1.25 L/ha
    Pre-emergent to wheat (spring, durum, winter), triticale and barley
    Lady’s thumb
    1 to 6-leaf stage
    1.0 – 1.25 L/ha
    Pre-emergent to wheat (spring, durum, winter), triticale and barley
    1 to 8-leaf stage
    1.0 – 1.25 L/ha
    Pre-emergent to wheat (spring, durum, winter), triticale and barley
    Narrow-leaved hawk’s-beard
    Up to 10 cm and prior to bolting
    1.0 – 1.25 L/ha
    Pre-emergent to wheat (spring, durum, winter), triticale and barley
    Pale smartweed
    1 to 6-leaf stage
    1.0 – 1.25 L/ha
    Pre-emergent to wheat (spring, durum, winter), triticale and barley
    Perennial sow-thistle (Suppression only)
    1 to 6-leaf stage
    1.0 – 1.25 L/ha
    Pre-emergent to wheat (spring, durum, winter), triticale and barley
    Redroot pigweed
    1 to 6-leaf stage
    1.0 – 1.25 L/ha
    Pre-emergent to wheat (spring, durum, winter), triticale and barley
    Round-leaved mallow
    1 to 6-leaf stage
    1.0 – 1.25 L/ha
    Pre-emergent to wheat (spring, durum, winter), triticale and barley
    Russian thistle
    Up to 10 cm in height
    1.0 – 1.25 L/ha
    Pre-emergent to wheat (spring, durum, winter), triticale and barley
    Shepherd’s purse
    1 to 6-leaf stage
    1.0 – 1.25 L/ha
    Pre-emergent to wheat (spring, durum, winter), triticale and barley
    Spreading atriplex (Suppression only)
    1 to 10 leaf stage
    1.0 – 1.25 L/ha
    Pre-emergent to wheat (spring, durum, winter), triticale and barley
    1 to 6-leaf stage
    1.0 – 1.25 L/ha
    Pre-emergent to wheat (spring, durum, winter), triticale and barley
    Tartary buckwheat
    1 to 8-leaf stage
    1.0 – 1.25 L/ha
    Pre-emergent to wheat (spring, durum, winter), triticale and barley
    1 to 4-leaf stage
    1.0 – 1.25 L/ha
    Pre-emergent to wheat (spring, durum, winter), triticale and barley
    Volunteer canola
    1 to 6-leaf stage
    1.0 – 1.25 L/ha
    Pre-emergent to wheat (spring, durum, winter), triticale and barley
    Volunteer soybean
    Up to the 5th trifoliate leaf stage
    1.0 – 1.25 L/ha
    Pre-emergent to wheat (spring, durum, winter), triticale and barley
    Wild buckwheat
    1 to 8-leaf stage
    1.0 – 1.25 L/ha
    Pre-emergent to wheat (spring, durum, winter), triticale and barley
    Wild mustard
    1 to 6-leaf stage
    1.0 – 1.25 L/ha

    Ground Treatment:
    Accurately calibrate the sprayer prior to mixing the herbicide treatments.
    Apply Huskie PRE in a minimum of 46.8 L/ha of total spray volume. Sprayable fluid fertilizer (nitrogen solution) may replace all or part of the water as a carrier for preplant and pre-emergence applications. Check for compatibility by combining all ingredients in a small container in the same ratio as the anticipated use. If any indications of physical incompatibility develop, do not use this mixture for spraying. Indications of incompatibility usually will appear 5-15 minutes after mixing.
    Ensure you read the tank-mix partner label for minimum spray volume recommendations.
    Uniform, thorough coverage is important to obtain consistent weed control. Higher water volumes should be used under dense weed canopies to ensure thorough coverage of the target weeds.
    Refer to the nozzle manufacturer’s recommendations for proper nozzle, pressure setting and sprayer speed for optimum product performance and minimal spray drift.
    For best results use flat fan nozzles or comparable nozzles to achieve uniform spray distribution.
    Do not use flood jet nozzles, controlled droplet application equipment or Sprafoil® equipment.
    Huskie PRE must be applied with clean and properly calibrated equipment. Prior to adding Huskie PRE, ensure that the spray tank, filters and nozzles have been thoroughly cleaned and that agitation system is properly working.
    Fill spray tank with ¼ to ½ of the required volume of water or liquid fertilizer (nitrogen solution) prior to the addition of Huskie PRE.
    Add Huskie PRE slowly to the tank and agitate, then add the rest of the water or liquid fertilizer (nitrogen solution) to the desired level.
    Maintain sufficient agitation to ensure a uniform spray mixture during application.
    Add tank mix partner.
    Continue to fill the tank with water or liquid fertilizer (nitrogen solution) to the desired volume while agitating.
    Proper agitation should be maintained while applying to ensure a uniform spray mixture. Do not allow mixtures to stand for prolonged periods of time. If the spray solution is allowed to settle for one hour or more, reagitate the spray solution for a minimum of 10 minutes before application.

    Ground // minimum of 5 US gal./ac. (47 L/ha.). Uniform, thorough coverage is important to obtain consistent weed control. Higher water volumes should be used under dense weed canopies to ensure thorough coverage of the target weeds.


    Do not use another Group 27 herbicide following an application of Huskie PRE in the same crop. For resistance management, please note that Huskie PRE is both a Group 27 and a Group 6 herbicide. Any weed population may contain or develop plants naturally resistant to Group 27 and/or Group 6 herbicides. The resistant biotypes may dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly in the same fields. Other resistance mechanisms that are not linked to site of action, but specific for individual chemicals, such as enhanced metabolism, may also exist. Appropriate resistance-management strategies should be followed.



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