Brand LogoNematicide

Velum Prime

Velum® Prime nematicide / fungicide is the first of its kind tool for managing nematodes in potatoes and a broad range of vegetable and fruit crops. With a unique mode of action and Group for nematode protection, Velum Prime helps increase your crop’s yield potential. It also has secondary fungicidal properties offering early blight and black dot suppression in potatoes.

fs-approved-use: AB, BC, MB, NB, NL, NS, NT, NU, ON, PE, QC, SK, YK





Broad-spectrum nematocidal activity.

In potatoes, get the added benefit of in-season protection against early blight, white mould and black dot diseases

Simple and easy to apply

A liquid formulation that offers reliable effectiveness at low application rates make it ideal for existing liquid in-furrow application equipment

Reduces pesticide load versus the use of fumigants





Berries & Grapes

Group 7 Fluopyram


4.04 L jug = 20 ac.

4.04 L jugs (2 jugs/case)




Berries & Grapes


Group 7 Fluopyram




4.04 L jug = 20 ac.

4.04 L jugs (2 jugs/case)


Black dot

Early blight

Powdery mildew

Potato cyst nematodes (Including Pale cyst and Golden nematode)

Root knot nematodes

Root lesion nematodes


Black dot

Early blight

Powdery mildew


Potato cyst nematodes (Including Pale cyst and Golden nematode)

Root knot nematodes

Root lesion nematodes

Performance Data


    Potato And Other Tuberous And Corm Vegetables (Crop Subgroup 1C)
    Root Lesion Nematodes, Root Knot Nematodes, Potato Cyst Nematodes (Including Pale Cyst And Golden Nematode)
    Soil applications using ground equipment In-furrow at planting
    Spray specified rate in a 10 to 15 cm band in‐furrow at planting and cover with soil.
    For best results uniformly spray the band over the seed-pieces and soil.
    500 mL/ha (202 mL/ac.) or 4.5 mL/ 100 m row (based on 90 cm row spacing)
    Apply in 50 to 150 L of water per hectare (20 to 60 L/ac.).
    Early Blight
    Black Dot
    Soil applications using ground equipment In-furrow at planting
    For best results uniformly spray the band over the seed-pieces and soil.
    500 mL/ha (202 mL/ac.) or 4.5 mL/ 100 m row (based on 90 cm row spacing)
    Low Growing Berries (Crop Subgroup 13-07G)
    Powdery Mildew
    Apply through drip irrigation system preventatively. Continue as needed on a 5- to 7-day interval.
    500 mL/ha (202 mL/ac.)
    Soil-Dwelling, Root-Feeding Nematodes (Juveniles, Adults)
    Chemigation into the root-zone through low-pressure drip, trickle, micro-sprinkler or equivalent equipment. Minimum of 7 day interval between soil applications.
    500 mL/ha (202 mL/ac.)
    Soil-Dwelling, Root-Feeding Nematodes (Juveniles, Adults)
    Apply using high water volumes (2,000 to 4,000 L/ha or200 to 400 gal./ac.) to ensure the product moves into the straw.
    Application should be followed by a rainfall or overhead irrigation to move product into the root zone
    500 mL/ha (202 mL/ac.)
    Brassica (Cole) Leafy Vegetables
    Soil-Dwelling, Root-Feeding Nematodes (Juveniles, Adults)
    Powdery Mildew
    Apply specified dosage in the following methods
    Chemigation into root-zone through low-pressure drip, trickle, micro-sprinkler or equivalent equipment.
    Minimum 5-day interval between soil applications.
    500 mL/ha (202 mL/ac.)
    Fruiting Vegetables (Crop Group 8-09)
    Soil-Dwelling, Root-Feeding Nematodes (Juveniles, Adults)
    Early Blight (Alternaria Solani)
    Apply specified dosage in the following methods
    Chemigation into root-zone through low-pressure drip, trickle, micro-sprinkler or equivalent equipment.
    Minimum 7-day interval between soil applications.
    500 mL/ha (202 mL/ac.)
    Cucurbit Vegetables (Crop Group 9)
    Soil-Dwelling, Root-Feeding Nematodes (Juveniles, Adults)
    Powdery Mildew
    Apply specified dosage in the following methods
    Chemigation into root-zone through low-pressure drip, trickle, micro-sprinkler or equivalent equipment.
    Minimum 5-day interval between soil applications.
    500 mL/ha (202 mL/ac.)
    Pome Fruits (Crop Group 11-09),
    Stone Fruits (Crop Group 12-09),
    Caneberries (Crop Subroup 13-07A)
    Soil-Dwelling, Root-Feeding Nematodes (Juveniles, Adults)
    Apply specified dosage in the following methods
    Chemigation into root-zone through low-pressure drip, trickle, micro-sprinkler or equivalent equipment.
    For optimum results, apply to newly planted trees or those previously trained to drip, trickle or micro-sprinkler irrigation.
    Soil must be lightly pre-wetted to break soil surface tension prior to applications.
    500 mL/ha (202 mL/ac.)
    Low Growing Berries (Crop Subroup 13-07G)
    Soil-Dwelling, Root-Feeding Nematodes (Juveniles, Adults)
    Apply specified dosage in the following methods
    Chemigation into the root-zone through low- pressure drip, trickle, micro-sprinkler or equivalent equipment.
    Apply through drip irrigation system preventatively.
    Minimum 7-day interval between soil applications.
    500 mL/ha (202 mL/ac.)
    Powdery Mildew
    Apply specified dosage in the following methods
    Apply through drip irrigation system preventatively.
    Minimum 5-7 day interval.
    500 mL/ha (202 mL/ac.)

    Potatoes: For soil applications (in-furrow) using ground equipment in potatoes:
    Spray specified rate in a 10 - 15 cm band in-furrow at planting and cover with soil. For best results uniformly spray the band over the seed-pieces and soil
    Apply in 50 - 150 L of water per hectare (20 - 60 L/ac.)
    Pome fruits, stone fruits & caneberries: Apply by chemigation into root-zone. For optimal results, apply to newly planted trees or those previously trained to drip, trickle
    or micro-sprinkler irrigation. Soil must be lightly pre-wetted to break soil surface tension prior to applications.

    Potato And Other Tuberous And Corm Vegetables
    Crop Subgroup 1C
    7 days
    12 hours
    7 days
    12 hours
    Low Growing Berries
    Crop Subgroup 13-07G
    0 days
    12 hours
    12 hours
    12 hours
    Brassica (Cole) Leafy Vegetables
    0 days
    12 hours
    Fruiting Vegetables
    Crop Group 8-09
    0 days
    12 hours
    Cucurbit Vegetables
    Crop Group 9
    0 days
    12 hours
    Pome Fruits (Crop Group 11-09),
    7 days
    12 hours
    Stone Fruits (Crop Group 12-09),
    Caneberries (Crop Subroup 13-07A)
    0 days
    12 hours
    Caneberries Blackberry
    0 days
    12 hours

    1 application per year recommended.
    If using other products containing fluopyram there is a maximum of 500 g fluopyram/ha per year, regardless of formulation or
    method of application.



    Do not replant to alfalfa for 14 days after application. All other crops may be replanted immediately following the last application of Velum Prime.

    Store this product away from food or feed. Do not store below freezing. If stored for 1 year or longer, shake well before using. Do not use or store in or around the home. Keep the product in the original container during storage.

    For maximum efficacy against nematodes, Velum Prime must be utilized as part of an integrated approach to nematode management.
    Even though Velum Prime provides fungicide benefits, a contact/protectant fungicide program should still be used. When pressure is high and to delay the development of resistance a locally systemic, non-Group 7 product such as Scala fungicide should also be applied.
    Do not apply more than the maximum seasonal rate for each specific crop from any combination of products containing fluopyram. Do not apply more than 500 g fluopyram/ha per year, regardless of formulation or method of application (soil or foliar).
    Any nematode or fungal population may contain individuals naturally resistant to Velum Prime and other Group 7 nematicides/fungicides. A gradual or total loss of nematode control may occur over time if this product is used repeatedly in the same field. Other resistance mechanisms that are not linked to site of action, but specific for individual chemicals, such as enhanced metabolism, may also exist. Appropriate resistance-management strategies should be followed. To delay nematicide/fungicide resistance:
    Where possible, rotate the use of Velum Prime or other Group 7 nematicides/fungicides with different Groups that control the same pests.
    Use tank mixtures with nematicides/fungicides from a different group when such use is permitted.
    When Velum Prime is applied as a soil application use another mode of action for the first foliar fungicide application.
    Avoid consecutive applications of Velum Prime or other Group 7 nematicides/fungicides in a season. Alternate applications with fungicides having a different mode of action.
    Nematicide/fungicide use should be based on an integrated disease management program that includes scouting, historical information related to pesticide use and crop rotation and considers host plant resistance, impact of environmental conditions on disease development, disease thresholds, as well as cultural, biological and other chemical control practices.
    Early blight pressure should be monitored throughout the growing season. Heavy disease pressure may require additional systemic foliar fungicide applications
    Monitor treated nematode populations for resistance development.
    Contact your local extension specialist or certified crop advisors for any additional pesticide resistance-management and/or IPM recommendations for the specific site and pest problems in your area.



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