A bold logo that says ‘Roundup Ready Xtend Crop System’ in grey, black, and deep red colours.

Roundup Ready Xtend Crop System

2 Traits Options

How the system works

The Roundup Ready® Xtend Crop System is an innovative management tool designed to help control weeds and maximum yield potential while providing extra flexibility. This system offers you the choice of two enhanced chemistry options:

  • Roundup Ready Xtend® 2 with VaporGrip Technology provides a convenient pre-mixed formulation of dicamba and glyphosate herbicides. This higher concentrated formulation is tailored to optimize results with the Roundup Ready® Xtend Crop System.
  • XtendiMax® 2 with VaporGrip Technology low volatility formulation is ideal for tank mixing with Roundup-branded products.

VaporGrip Technology offers the confidence in on-target applications against broadleaf weeds through the power of dicamba in a low-volatility formulation.

Weed Control

Enjoy broad spectrum weed control against annual tough-to-tackle broadleaf weeds including kochia, redroot pigweed, biennial wormwood, and Canada fleabane.

The Perfect Partner

Dicamba’s decades of proven performance pairs perfectly with glyphosate due to their similar rapid uptake and translocation profiles. Experience critical control during early-stage crop growth continuing consistently throughout the season.

Tank Mix Compatibility

This system offers tank mixed options with other herbicides to help provide up to 14 days of residual activity. Alongside a broader spectrum of weed control and an alternate effective mode of action to manage glyphosate-resistant weeds.

Spray Forecast

Spray smarter with Bayer’s Spray Forecast tool.

Uncover wind, inversion, temperature and relative humidity to your specific location to make the most of each spray.

Green healthy uniform plants in tidy vertical rows in a vast field. We see the cloudy grey sky on the horizon.

Chemistry Options

Controlling more weeds than any other crop system*, the Roundup Ready Ready Xtend Crop System is an advanced weed management tool designed to help maximize weed control, quality and yield potential all while providing extra flexibility** and peace of mind.

As part of this system, Roundup Xtend 2 with VaporGrip Technology is an easy-to-use, pre-mixed combination of glyphosate and dicamba that will save you time out in the field.

Another chemistry option for use within the Roundup Ready Xtend Crop System is XtendiMax 2 with VaporGrip Technology, a low-volatility dicamba-only formulation. Have the freedom to tank mix with glyphosate to get the weed control you need.

Both herbicides control tough annual broadleaf weeds like kochia, waterhemp, giant ragweed and Canada fleabane. They also control most annual grass weeds like green and yellow foxtail and wild oats, along with perennial weeds like Canada thistle and dandelion. Check out the complete list of controlled weeds.

Plus, both herbicides can be tank-mixed with other herbicides to help provide up to 14 days of residual activity***, a broader spectrum of weed control and allow for an alternate effective mode of action to manage glyphosate-resistant weeds.

For comprehensive technological, application, and safety data about Roundup Xtend 2 with VaporGrip Technology and XtendiMax 2 with VaporGrip Technology, visit the product pages ((add links to product pages))

* Based on approved PMRA herbicide labels as of Aug. 2018.
** Extended application flexibility before, at and after planting.
*** On certain small-seeded broadleaf weeds. Results may vary, depending on rainfall and soil type. Always use dicamba with traditional residual herbicides in pre-emergence and post-emergence applications that have different, effective sites of action, along with other Diversified Weed Management Practices including the use of glyphosate. XtendiMax® herbicide with VaporGrip® Technology and in crop use may not be approved in all states.

An animation of a large rectangular object with a red bottom in the middle of the photo with green plants around it.

Volatility Reduction and Application Options

By helping prevent the formation of dicamba acid, VaporGrip® Technology significantly minimizes dicamba’s volatility potential after spraying — providing farmers and applicators confidence in on-target application and a low-volatility dicamba product for the Roundup Ready Xtend Crop System.

Roundup Xtend 2 with VaporGrip Technology is a glyphosate and dicamba pre-mix product with low volatility properties. XtendiMax 2 with VaporGrip Technology has been developed and is a dicamba straight-good product with low volatility properties. In older dicamba formulations, dicamba ions (Dc-) are present in solution, combine with free hydrogen ions (H+) to form volatile dicamba acid (DCH). VaporGrip® Technology prevents dicamba ions (Dc-) from combining with hydrogen ions (H+), significantly reducing volatility.

In older dicamba formulations, dicamba ions (Dc-) are present in solution, combine with free hydrogen ions (H+) to form volatile dicamba acid (DCH). VaporGrip Technology prevents dicamba ions (Dc-) from combining with hydrogen ions (H+), significantly reducing volatility.

A graphic of two grey cylinders. On the left is the older dicamba formulation and on the right is the formulation with VaporGrip Technology.

Trait Technology Partners

To purchase the traits that are right for your farm, contact one of our seed partners.

Two male farmers shake hands in a field. The photo is backlit by a bright sunset, so the farmers are visible as black shapes.


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