Dicamba Application Requirements

July 16, 2024

Spraying field

Bayer has developed a full set of application requirements to help increase the spray accuracy of XtendiMax® 2 herbicide with VaporGrip® Technology and Roundup Xtend® 2 herbicide with VaporGrip® Technology. These application requirements outline proper stewardship practices and correct use of the technology. They include instructions for maximizing on-target application, including specifications for droplet size, wind speed, boom height, weather conditions, sensitive crop buffers, and other application variables.

The following graphic outlines the important steps to follow in the application process. Please note that this is not a substitute for the complete application requirements or product labels.

Application Requirements Chart

Off-Target Movement

To help increase the spray accuracy of dicamba herbicide products, it is important to consider what factors lead to off-target movement during a herbicide application. The potential for off-target movement exists whenever you apply any herbicide, not just dicamba. There being three types of off-target movement:

  • Physical drift,
  • Sprayer contamination, and,
  • Volatility.

Physical drift is the physical movement of spray particles during the application. Weather conditions can impact drift and should be taken into consideration before spraying. An example is spraying when it is too windy. This is the most common and significant type of off-target movement for any herbicide. Physical drift can also be caused by temperature inversions and other issues related to temperature and humidity.

Spray drift patterns

Sprayer contamination occurs when the same sprayer is used to treat multiple crops with multiple herbicides. The entire sprayer system must be cleaned before a different herbicide solution is added to the tank. If not cleaned thoroughly, herbicide residue can remain in parts of the sprayer and be unintentionally applied to sensitive crops in the next herbicide application.

The last type of off-target movement is volatility, which is the least common form of off-target movement and is sometimes referred to as secondary drift. Volatility occurs when a herbicide changes from a solid or liquid state into a gaseous or vapour state after application and moves away from the target application area. The risk of volatility is often dependent on the chemical properties of a herbicide formulation, its boiling point and temperature during and after application. Volatility is managed primarily through herbicide selection, but growers should also pay close attention to wind speed, temperature and application timing to minimize exposure to sensitive areas. Remember XtendiMax® 2 and Roundup Xtend® 2 herbicides both contain VaporGrip® Technology, which is a volatility-reduction component.

For more information on XtendiMax® 2 herbicide and Roundup Xtend® 2 herbicide, click on the links below:


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