A large corn field fades off into the horizon, with the sun setting in the hazy blue sky.
A logo that says ‘SmartStax PRO with RNAi Technology’ in red, black and grey bold lettering.

SmartStax RIB Complete Corn

SmartStax® RIB Complete® Corn is the most advanced insect and weed control system available. It provides pour-and-plant simplicity and whole-farm yield potential, as well as the broadest spectrum of above and below ground insect protection.


9 Glyphosate
10 Glufosinate

Trait Highlights

Above-And Below-ground Protection

Powerful protection from problem pests including Corn Rootworm, European Corn Borer, Fall Armyworm, Corn Earworm, Black Cutworm, Northern Corn Rootworm and Western Corn Rootworm.

Cut Down on Weeds, Not Yield.

Roundup Ready® 2 Technology and LibertyLink® herbicide tolerance for comprehensive weed control.

Refuge-in-a-bag Solution

SmartStax® RIB Complete® corn blend is a mix of 95% Bt-traited, 5% refuge seed. Just pour it in your planter and you’ll get all the benefits of SmartStax® Technology, plus the convenience of 5% refuge seed interspersed in every bag.

5 Modes of Action to Combat Above- and Below-Ground Pests

Roots stay protected as corn grows thanks to two modes of action working against corn rootworm. Additional modes of action give corn plants the above-ground protection they need against major pests that can inflict serious crop damage. The use of unique multiple modes-of-action provides enhanced insect protection while maintaining long-term durability of the trait technology.

A tiny beige worm is visible on a green corn plant leaf. There is white damage on the leaf near the small invasive worm.


Roundup Ready® 2 Technology for broad-spectrum weed control. This product provides in-seed tolerance to Roundup® agricultural herbicides.

Roundup Ready® 2 Technology Performance

Insects Controlled

Multiple modes of action give corn plants the protection they need against major pests that can cause serious crop damage.

  • European Corn Borer
  • Corn Earworm
  • Fall Armyworm
  • Black Cutworm
  • Northern Corn Rootworm
  • Western Corn Rootworm
An illustration in a white circle of five varying sized worms. Some are beige while others are green.

Trait Technology Partners

To purchase the traits that are right for your farm, contact one of our seed partners.

Two male farmers shake hands in a field. The photo is backlit by a bright sunset, so the farmers are visible as black shapes.


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