TruFlex Canola
TruFlex® canola gives you greater flexibility for your growing conditions with a broader application window and application rate than our current technology. TruFlex canola delivers exceptional broad-spectrum weed control, giving you cleaner fields for an easier, smoother harvest and higher yield potential.
Trait Highlights
Improved Control of Tough Weeds
Experience more effective and consistent control of tough weeds like foxtail barley, wild buckwheat and dandelion with TruFlex canola.Flexible Spray Rates and Timing
With TruFlex canola, the application window extends past the six-leaf stage all the way to first flower*, giving you 10-14 more spray days than Roundup Ready® canola. *First flower is when 50% of the plants in the field have no more than one flower.Higher Yield Potential
New genetics have packed a lot of yield potential into each TruFlex canola seed. New advances in trait technology helps to enable better weed control and crop safety compared to Roundup Ready canola. It’s a combination that could give more yield potential at harvest time.Get the most from your TruFlex Canola
To maximize your results, spray your first application of Roundup WeatherMAX® at 0.67 L/ac. between cotyledon and two-leaf stage. Applying the 0.67 L/ac. rate at this stage provides clean fields in the critical weed-free period, which is key to achieving strong stand establishment. This sets your crop up for the best start possible and helps it achieve its maximum yield potential.
If another treatment is required, you have the flexibility to go in again with another application of Roundup WeatherMAX at 0.67 L/ac. up to first flower*. If spring weather doesn’t cooperate or you experience delays, use one application of Roundup WeatherMAX at 1.33 L/ac. up to the six leaf stage.
*First flower is when 50% of the plants in the field have no more than one flower.
Control a Wider Spectrum of Weeds
Being able to apply Roundup WeatherMAX® herbicide in-crop at 0.67 L/ac. for two applications or 1.33 L/ac. for a single application allows for the control of 24 additional weed species compared to the Roundup Ready canola system, including yellow foxtail, biennial wormwood and common milkweed.
Herbicide is applied at full labelled rates.
Source: Bayer Market Development Research Trials 2009-2012.
Control annuals and tough perenials
TruFlex canola provides more effective and consistent control of both annual and tough-to-control perennial weeds.
- Dandelions: Helps enable season-long control
- Foxtail barley: Allows for 99% control†
- Wild buckwheat: Allows for control of large plants past the six-leaf stage with Roundup WeatherMAX at a rate of approximately 1 L/ac. and large buckwheat (past six-leaf) at a rate of 1.33 L/ac.
Elite germplasm and crop safety
TruFlex canola is built on new genetics to deliver higher yield potential compared to our current technology. Protecting that potential requires not only effective weed control, but crop safety. Being able to apply Roundup WeatherMAX up to first flower* with sequential rates of 0.67 L/ac. gives you more flexibility to manage your in-crop applications and reduces yield penalty relative to the Roundup Ready canola system.
Field trials were conducted to test potential crop injury from spraying off-label on Roundup Ready canola. The research confirmed that spraying canola above the recommended rates or outside the application window was costing farmers three bushels per acre or more in yield**.
*First flower is when 50% of the plants in the field have no more than one flower.
**Source: Bayer Market Development Research Trials 2009-2012.
Roundup Ready Canola
TruFlex Canola
Effective Against