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Canola Recalibration Calculator

When it comes to canola seed, we’ve made sure you’re getting the right number of seeds in every bag. Quickly determine if a drill recalibration is necessary.
DEKALBCalculate Your DEKALB Canola Seeding Rate
Choose your bag type
Enter bag weight (lbs)

Recommended Seeding RateThis is the recommended seeding rate for your DEKALB canola based on your bag weight and achieving a target plant population of 5-8 plants/ft2.
Recommended Seeding Rate lbs/acreAssuming 60% survivability
Thousand Seed Weight (TSW) Range Min / Max


  1. When you begin seeding, you should calibrate your drill to initial seed TSW (thousand seed weight) on the bag.
  2. To determine whether you will need to recalibrate for different bag TSWs, enter the initial bag weight and a TSW minimum and maximum range will calculate.
  3. If your next bag falls within the TSW range you may continue with your current seeding rate without a further recalibration.
  4. If other DEKALB seed lots fall outside of this range please recalibrate your drill based on new TSW.

Calculations are based on targeted plant population of 5-8 plants/sq ft. and 60% survivability.

Canola seed with a wide enough variance in TSW size will require separate calibrations of your drill. Drill calibration and accuracy should be monitored regularly throughout seeding to ensure proper amount of seed is being planted.

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Calculations are based on targeted plant population of 5-8 plants/sq ft. and 60% survivability. Canola seed with a wide enough variance in TSW size will require separate calibrations of your drill. Drill calibration and accuracy should be monitored regularly throughout seeding to ensure proper amount of seed is being planted.

Adjusting Your Seeding Rate

Looking to further refine your canola seeding rate? If you are looking to refine your canola seeding rate based on known or estimated survivability in your fields, TSW of your seed and your target plant population you can use this chart or the Canola Council of Canada's Seeding Rate Calculator.

Seeding Machinery

Frequently Asked Questions

    No. The recommended seeding rate is 10 acres per bag based on 60% survivability, to achieve 5-8 plants/ft2. If you wish to further refine your seeding rate based on your known or estimated canola survivability, click here for the Canola Council of Canada’s seeding rate calculator. Use the seeding rate chart above, or use the following Seeding Rate Formula:
    Seeding Rate (lbs/acre) = 9.6 x Desired Plant Stand (Plants/FT2) x TSW (grams) / Estimated Survivability

    Canola seed production TSWs can vary from year to year and vary by hybrid. No different then today you may receive multiple canola seed TSWs.

    Use the recalibration calculator above to see if the TSW range will allows you to maintain your seeding rate and achieve your target plant population. If the TSWs are to far apart and fall outside of this range a recalibration is required and new seeding rate is to be used for that seed size.

    TSW = Thousand Seed Weight in grams per 1000 seeds. TKW = Thousand Kernel Weight. Since canola seed is not a kernel the term used is Thousand Seed Weight.

    Regardless of TSW every bag of DEKALB canola will have a no less than 4.25 million seeds per bag and is recommended to seed at 10 acres per bag. The weight of every bag will be printed on the front of the bag. Simply divide the total pounds of the bag by 10 to get your seeding rate. Example. Bag weight is 45 lbs. 45 lbs/10acres = 4.5 lbs/acre seeding rate.

    The TSW is printed on the front of every bag as well as the blue Certified Seed Tag.

Canola Target Plant Population

Get the most out of your canola by targeting 5 to 8 plants per square foot. We put together the details so you can balance yield potential and investment.

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Canola Seed Catalog

The DEKALB canola seed lineup has a variety of options to best suit your farm – from herbicide trait packages, disease protection, straight-cut genetics and more.

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