XtendFlex Soybeans
The Roundup Ready® Xtend Crop System is expanding to provide you with more choices than ever. XtendFlex® soybeans are built on Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® technology, you can still count on the high-yielding performance you’ve come to expect, but now with the added benefit of glufosinate tolerance.
More Herbicide Options
XtendFlex soybean technology gives you the same proven yield potential of the Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybean trait while offering greater choice of herbicide combinations to best control the weed spectrum present in your fields.Manage Tough to Control Weeds
XtendFlex soybean technology, with triple herbicide tolerance, provides choice and flexibility to manage tough-to-control and resistant weeds.System Benefits
The Roundup Ready® Xtend Crop System is expanding to provide you with more choices than ever. Combining the high yield potential of Roundup Ready 2 Xtend technology with a built-in tolerance to dicamba, glyphosate and glufosinate, XtendFlex soybeans give you another mode of action in your arsenal to help fight tough-to-control weeds like waterhemp and Canada fleabane, including herbicide resistant biotypes.
Using dicamba in your first herbicide pass provides beneficial early residual control that protects your crop’s yield potential. Early control of weeds, such as lamb’s quarters, redroot pigweed and common ragweed, allows you to get ahead and stay ahead. With XtendFlex soybeans having glufosinate tolerance, you also have the added flexibility for another non-selective post-emergent application option1.
1 In accordance with label requirements.
Yield Impact of Early Season Weed Control
A pre-plant application of dicamba and glyphosate provides broad spectrum weed control and short-term residual activity on small-seeded broadleaf weeds to maximize yield potential of Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybeans.
Trials showed a 2.4 bu./ac.2 increase due to reduced early weed competition from residual dicamba activity.
2 Source: Bayer Market Development research trials, 2008 – 2014 (n=39). Average of 2.4 bu./ac. advantage over 2-pass.
Recommended application window for Roundup Ready 2 Xtend Soybeans
Following the recommended herbicide application rates and timing will set your soybean crop up for maximum yield potential.
Waterhemp Control
Across Eastern Canada, waterhemp is becoming more of a problem. It’s difficult to control and has shown to develop resistance very quickly. In research trials, XtendFlex soybeans were tested in several trial plots with different combinations of crop protection products. See how XtendFlex soybeans stood up to waterhemp.
Roundup Xtend herbicide with VaporGrip Technology (2 L/ac.) was applied at planting, and Roundup WeatherMAX® (0.67 L/ac.) was applied in-crop.
Roundup Xtend herbicide with VaporGrip Technology (2 L/ac.) and Fierce® herbicide (96 g/ac.) were applied at planting. Liberty® 200 SN herbicide (1 L/ac.) was applied in-crop.
Source: Third Party Research Trials, Port Alma, ON. July 28, 2020.*
Crop Control Options
Effective Against