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2.1RM 3100 CHU
Image of a DEKALB XtendFlex Soybeans Purple Bag
  • XtendFlex® variety which has triple herbicide tolerance to dicamba (Group 4), glyphosate (Group 9) and glufosinate (Group 10)
  • A medium-to-tall variety with excellent standability
  • With excellent early seedling vigour and emergence, this variety is well suited to all tillage practices and soil types tested
Image of a DEKALB XtendFlex Soybeans Purple Bag
Xtendflex soybeans
XtendFlex® Soybeans Combining the high yield potential of Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® technology with a built-in tolerance to dicamba, glyphosate and glufosinate, XtendFlex® soybeans give you another mode of action in your arsenal to help fight tough-to-control weeds like waterhemp and Canada fleabane, including herbicide resistant biotypes. Learn More XtendFlex® Soybeans
Provinces of Sale
  • New Brunswick NB
  • Newfoundland NL
  • Nova Scotia NS
  • Ontario ON
  • Prince Edward Island PE
  • Québec QC
Emergence Excellent
Seedling Vigour
Seedling Vigour Excellent
Standability Excellent
No-Till Adaptability
No-Till Adaptability Excellent
TraitXtendFlex® Soybeans
Crop Heat Units (CHU)3100
Plant Description
Plant HeightMedium-Tall
PubescenceLight Tawny
Seed Qualities
Hilum ColourBlack
Avg. Seed Size CategoryMedium
Seedling Vigour2Excellent
No-Till Adaptability2Excellent
Soil TypeAll
Row Width (inches)7 - 30
Soybean Cyst NematodeR3 - Resistant to Race 3
PRR ResistanceRps1c
PRR Field Tolerance4Very Good
White Mould Tolerance4Very Good
Brown Stem Rot3Very Good
Iron Deficiency ChlorosisN/A

Rating Scale
  • 1 - 2=Excellent
  • 3 - 4=Very Good
  • 5 - 6=Good
  • 7 - 8=Fair
  • 9=Poor
  • N/A=Not Available
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