Brand LogoFungicide

Serenade OPTI

Serenade® OPTI biological fungicide aids in the suppression of early blight and white mould in potatoes and powdery mildew, botrytis and bacterial diseases in many fruit and vegetable crops including bulb vegetables (Crop Group 3), leafy vegetables (Crop Group 4), cole crops (Crop Group 5), cucurbit vegetables (Crop Group 9), fruiting vegetables (Crop Group 8) and bushberries and caneberries (Crop Group 13).

fs-approved-use: AB, BC, MB, NB, NS, NT, NU, ON, PE, QC, SK, YK





Broad-spectrum, biological foliar fungicide that provides effective disease suppression

For disease control, Serenade OPTI should be used in a spray program that includes a conventional fungicide

Provides anti-fungal and anti-bacterial activity

Stimulates natural plant defense mechanisms

Has demonstrated increased plant growth effects

Protects a variety of crops including potatoes, blueberries, leafy vegetables, pome fruit and many other fruit and vegetable crops

Unique mode of action (FRAC Group BM02) makes for the best defense against the development of resistance

Is exempt from tolerances (no MRL or residue concerns), so you can sell your crops into even the most restrictive markets



Stone Fruit

Garden Beet


Group BM02 QST 713 strain of dried Bacillus subtilis

Wettable Powder Biofungicide

2.72 kg bags


Stone Fruit

Garden Beet



Group BM02 QST 713 strain of dried Bacillus subtilis


Wettable Powder Biofungicide


2.72 kg bags


Apple scab

Bacteria blight

Bacterial spot

Blossom blight

Botrytis grey mould


Apple scab

Bacteria blight

Bacterial spot

Blossom blight

Botrytis grey mould


    Sclerotinia Stem Rot
    0.3-0.9 kg/ha
    (0.1-0.4 kg/ac.)
    Ground and Aerial Application
    Oilseed Crops – Rapeseed Subgroup (Crop Group 20A)
    Sclerotinia Stem Rot
    0.3-0.9 kg/ha
    (0.1-0.4 kg/ac.)
    Ground and Aerial Application
    Leaf Spot
    0.6-1.7 kg/ha
    (0.2-0.7 kg/ac.)
    Ground and Aerial Application
    Apples (See Also Pome Fruit)
    Powdery Mildew
    1.7-3.3 kg/ha
    (0.7-1.3 kg/ac.)
    Botrytis Blight
    1.7-3.3 kg/ha
    (0.7-1.3 kg/ac.)
    Berries (Crop Group 13) Bayberry, Bearberry, Blackberry, Highbush And Lowbush Blueberry, Chokecherry, Currant, Elderberry, Gooseberry, Huckleberry, Lingonberry, Loganberry, Mulberry, Pincherry, Raspberry, Salal, Saskatoon Berry, Sea Buckthorn And Wild Raspberry
    Botrytis Grey Mould
    1.7-3.3 kg/ha
    (0.7-1.3 kg/ac.)
    Berries (Crop Group 13) Bayberry, Bearberry, Blackberry, Highbush And Lowbush Blueberry, Chokecherry, Currant, Elderberry, Gooseberry, Huckleberry, Lingonberry, Loganberry, Mulberry, Pincherry, Raspberry, Salal, Saskatoon Berry, Sea Buckthorn And Wild Raspberry
    Bacterial Blight
    0.6-1.7 kg/ha
    (0.2-0.7 kg/ac.)
    Berries And Small Fruit (Crop Group 13-07) Blackberry Or Raspberry, Highbush Blueberry, Elderberry Or Mulberry, Grape, Strawberry And Fuzzy Kiwifruit
    Botrytis Grey Mould
    1.7-3.3 kg/ha
    (0.7-1.3 kg/ac.)
    Brassica Leafy Vegetables (Crop Group 5) Broccoli, Chinese Broccoli, Broccoli Raab, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage (All Types), Cauliflower, Cavalo Broccoli, Collards, Kale, Kohlrabi, Mizuna, Mustard Greens, Mustard Spinach And Rape Greens
    Sclerotinia Rot
    1.7-3.3 kg/ha
    (0.7-1.3 kg/ac.)
    Brassica Leafy Vegetables (Crop Group 5) Broccoli, Chinese Broccoli, Broccoli Raab, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage (All Types), Cauliflower, Cavalo Broccoli, Collards, Kale, Kohlrabi, Mizuna, Mustard Greens, Mustard Spinach And Rape Greens
    Downy Mildew
    1.1-1.7 kg/ha
    (0.4-0.7 kg/ac.)
    Brassica Leafy Vegetables (Crop Group 5) Broccoli, Chinese Broccoli, Broccoli Raab, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage (All Types), Cauliflower, Cavalo Broccoli, Collards, Kale, Kohlrabi, Mizuna, Mustard Greens, Mustard Spinach And Rape Greens
    Pin Rot
    1.1-1.7 kg/ha
    (0.4-0.7 kg/ac.)
    Bulb Vegetables (Crop Group 3) Onions (All Types), Garlic (All Types), Leeks, Shallots And Chives
    Botrytis Neck Rot
    1.7-2.5 kg/ha
    (0.7-1.0 kg/ac.)
    Bulb Vegetables (Crop Group 3) Onions (All Types), Garlic (All Types), Leeks, Shallots And Chives
    Botrytis Leaf Blight
    1.7-2.5 kg/ha
    (0.7-1.0 kg/ac.)
    Bulb Vegetables (Crop Group 3) Onions (All Types), Garlic (All Types), Leeks, Shallots And Chives
    Downy Mildew
    1.7-3.3 kg/ha
    (1.2-2.4 kg/ac.)
    Celery (See Also Leafy Vegetables)
    Pink Rot
    1.7-3.3 kg/ha
    (0.7-1.3 kg/ac.)
    Cucurbit Vegetables (Crop Group 9) Canteloupe, Chinese Waxgourd, Cucumber, Gherkin, Edible Gourd, Melon, Muskmelon, Pumpkin, Squash And Watermelon
    Powdery Mildew
    1.7-3.3 kg/ha
    (0.7-1.3 kg/ac.)
    Cucurbit Vegetables (Crop Group 9) Canteloupe, Chinese Waxgourd, Cucumber, Gherkin, Edible Gourd, Melon, Muskmelon, Pumpkin, Squash And Watermelon
    Downy Mildew
    0.6-1.7 kg/ha
    (0.2-0.7 kg/ac.)
    Fruiting Vegetables (Crop Group 8) Eggplant, Ground Cherry, Okra, Pepino, Peppers (All Varieties), Tomatillo And Tomatoes
    Early Blight
    2.5 kg/ha
    (1.0 kg/ac.)
    Fruiting Vegetables (Crop Group 8) Eggplant, Ground Cherry, Okra, Pepino, Peppers (All Varieties), Tomatillo And Tomatoes
    Botrytis Grey Mould
    1.7-3.3 kg/ha
    (0.7-1.3 kg/ac.)
    Powdery Mildew
    1.7-3.3 kg/ha
    (0.7-1.3 kg/ac.)
    Botrytis Grey Mould
    1.7-3.3 kg/ha
    (0.7-1.3 kg/ac.)
    Sour Rot (A Complex Of Various Pathogens)
    1.7-3.3 kg/ha
    (0.7-1.3 kg/ac.)
    Herbs And Spices (Crop Group 19)
    Botrytis Grey Mould
    1.7-3.3 kg/ha
    (0.7-1.3 kg/ac.)
    Herbs And Spices (Crop Group 19)
    White Mould
    1.7-3.3 kg/ha
    (0.7-1.3 kg/ac.)
    Highbush Blueberry (See Also Berries And Small Fruit)
    Mummy Berry
    2.0-3.3 kg/ha
    (0.8-1.3 kg/ac.)
    Leafy Vegetables (Crop Group 4) Amaranth, Arugula, Chinese Celery, Celtuce, Chervil, Corn Salad, Cress, Dandelion, Dock, Endive, Fennel, Lettuce, Orach, Parsley, Radicchio And Swiss Chard
    Sclerotinia Rot
    Botrytis Grey Mould
    0.6-1.7 kg/ha
    (0.2-0.7 kg/ac.)
    Leafy Vegetables (Crop Group 4) Amaranth, Arugula, Chinese Celery, Celtuce, Chervil, Corn Salad, Cress, Dandelion, Dock, Endive, Fennel, Lettuce, Orach, Parsley, Radicchio And Swiss Chard
    Powdery Mildew
    Botrytis Grey Mould
    1.7-3.3 kg/ha
    (0.7-1.3 kg/ac.)
    Legume Vegetables (Crop Group 6) Bean (Lupinus Spp., Phaseolus Spp., And Vigna Spp.), Chickpea, Lentil And Pea (All Types)
    White Mould
    Botrytis Pod Rot
    1.7-3.3 kg/ha
    (0.7-1.3 kg/ac.)
    Lettuce (See Also Leafy Vegetables)
    Downy Mildew
    1.7-3.3 kg/ha
    (0.7-1.3 kg/ac.)
    Lowbush Blueberry (See Also Berries And Small Fruit)
    Mummy Berry
    2.0-3.3 kg/ha
    (0.8-1.3 kg/ac.)
    Pome Fruits (Crop Group 11) Apple, Crabapple, Loquat, Mayhaw, Pear, Oriental Pear, Quince And Non-Bearing Pome Fruit Trees
    Fire Blight
    1.1-1.7 kg/ha
    (0.4-0.7 kg/ac.)
    Pome Fruits (Crop Group 11) Apple, Crabapple, Loquat, Mayhaw, Pear, Oriental Pear, Quince And Non-Bearing Pome Fruit Trees
    1.7-3.3 kg/ha
    (0.7-1.3 kg/ac.)
    Early Blight
    1.1-2.2 kg/ha
    (0.4-0.9 kg/ac.)
    Silver Scurf (Post Harvest For Storage Disease Suppression)
    7-14 g/tonne
    White Mould
    1.1-2.2 kg/ha
    (0.4-0.9 kg/ac.)
    Radish, Turnip And Rutabaga
    Downy Mildew
    2.5 kg/ha
    (1.0 kg/ac.)
    Root Tuber Vegetables (Crop Group 1) Garden Beet, Sugar Beet, Carrot, Celeriac, Chervil, Chicory, Ginseng, Horseradish, Turnip-Rooted Parsley, Parsnip, Potato, Radish, Oriental Radish, Rutabaga, Salsify, Sweet Potato And Turnip
    White Mould
    1.1-2.2 kg/ha
    (0.4-0.9 kg/ac.)
    White Mould
    0.6-2.0 kg/ha
    (0.2-0.8 kg/ac.)
    Brown Spot
    0.1-0.5 kg/ha
    (0-0.2 kg/ac.)
    Frog-Eye Leaf Spot
    0.1-0.5 kg/ha
    (0-0.2 kg/ac.)
    White Rust
    0.6-1.1 kg/ha
    (0.2-0.4 kg/ac.)
    Stone Fruits (Crop Group 12) Apricot, Cherry, Nectarine, Peach, Plum, Plumcot And Prune
    Brown Rot
    1.1-1.7 kg/ha
    (0.4-0.7 kg/ac.)
    Sugar And Garden Beet
    Cercospora Leaf Spot
    1.0-3.0 kg/ha
    (0.4-0.8 kg/ac.)
    Tomatoes, Peppers (See Also Fruiting Vegetables)
    Powdery Mildew
    1.7-3.3 kg/ha
    (0.7-1.3 kg/ac.)
    Tomatoes, Peppers (See Also Fruiting Vegetables)
    Bacterial Spot
    0.6-1.7 kg/ha
    (0.2-0.7 kg/ac.)

    Agitate thoroughly before application
    Use 40-50 mesh screens if possible
    Water pH should be between 4.5 and 8.5
    Tanks should be sprayed out within 24 hours of mixing
    Pre-harvest interval – Serenade® OPTI can be sprayed up to and including the day of harvest
    Store below 25°C for up to 3 years; do not freeze
    Registered for use by air
    When using spray nozzle screens finer than 50 mesh, monitor for potential product buildup. This buildup is easily cleaned with water.

    Minimum recommended water volumes of 10 US gal/ac. (38 L/ac.)

    Rainfast when dry.

    For a list of permissible tank-mix partners and mixing order, please refer to the product label.


    Serenade OPTI has a unique mode of action and fungicide group (FRAC Group BM02), which makes it very difficult for diseases to develop resistance. Serenade OPTI can help with resistance issues by preventing diseases from developing ways to combat single site synthetic products. Serenade OPTI works best when used in a program approach with other chemistries throughout the growing season to decrease the chance of resistance for all products on that particular crop.



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