Grain bins in a field


Additional resources to help you get the most out of your growing season.

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    result-count-text-showing 4 result-count-text-results
    OTHERAmmonium Sulphate
    literal-image literal-of Ammonium Sulphate OTHER
    • CerealsCereals
    • Bayer's proprietary liquid spray grade Ammonium Sulphate (AMS) which has a concentration of 400 g/L (40% solution).
    • It should be added to Infinity or Tundra for control of cleavers greater than three whorls in size.
    • The Infinity and Tundra labels state “For control of cleavers at the four to six whorl stage, add ammonium sulphate at 500 g/ha”. Thus, the application rate of Ammonium Sulphate utility modifier for use with Infinity or Tundra herbicides is 1.25 L/ha (500 g/ha ÷ 400 g/L) or 0.5 L/ac.
    literal-image literal-of Ethrel OTHER
    • Berries & GrapesBerries & Grapes
    • FruitsFruits
    • VegetablesVegetables
    • Ethephon
    • Promotes ripening and colouring of many crops
    • Reduces curing time and promotes colour development in flue-cured tobacco
    • Accelerates tomato ripening
    • Helps fruit ripen all at the same time for once-over harvesting
    literal-image literal-of Finish OTHER
    • 7% Ammonia
    • A cleaning agent for cleaning pesticides from commercial sprayers.
    • Finish is recommended by manufacturers for Velocity m3, Refine® Extra, Ally®, Muster®, Express® Pack, Frontline™, Simplicity®,Spectrum™, Frontline 2,4-D.
    • As some pesticides have specific cleanout recommendations, always refer to the product label for cleaning instructions.
    literal-image literal-of Oberon OTHER
    • VegetablesVegetables
    • PotatoesPotatoes
    • 23
    • Broad-spectrum miticide for vegetables and strawberries.
    • After Oberon is applied, mites never emerge to the next stage. Early life stages develop the fastest, therefore early applications result in faster control.
    • Controls all economically important species of mites at all growth stages – eggs, nymphs and adults (females only).
    • Soft on beneficials.


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