Protect What’s In The Bin With Monitoring Cables
July 1, 2020
A watched pot never boils, but a grain bin might. That is, if you lack proper monitoring tools. There is more than a modicum of truth in this statement when applied to grain storage best practices.
As many Canadian farmers experience “one-off” weather events almost annually, these occurrences continue to underscore a shift in farm management. Smoke shrouded skies are increasingly prevalent, thanks to larger and more frequent forest fires, and lead to maturation delays. Also, early killing frosts and callously timed snow and rain all work against farmers and result in tough grain.
There are a few options to deal with this problem — grain dryers, aeration fans, propane heaters and bin cables — and they continue to see upticks in business due to meteorological havoc. It’s bin cables, though, that continue to prove their value to farmers forced to auger tough and moist crops into their bins come harvest time.
Bin cables have been around for decades and are relatively straightforward to use. However, the convenience factor cannot be understated as the technology improves. With direct alerts straight to smart phones and desktops, temperature and moisture may be controlled with a few quick finger taps, whether a farmer is standing in a yard or enjoying a holiday 2,500 kilometres away.
Scott Bolt operates Bolt Seed Farm at Wynyard, SK, and has 780,000 bushels of grain storage spread across 100 bins. When you farm 15,000 acres, as Bolt does, individual bin checking is not an option. When Bolt had heating issues after he upgraded to bigger bins, he opted for a Bin-Sense system from IntraGrain Technologies, which makes wireless grain monitoring equipment including cables and fan controllers.
He is grateful for the time, effort and money saved through his system. No more 80-kilometre round trips to yard sites and, at a cost of about seven cents per bushel, the cables have proven their worth over and over.
Stories like this make Joy Agnew happy. VP of applied research at Olds College, Agnew has spent her entire career in agricultural research and development and knows first-hand the benefits of monitoring systems. “When you crunch the numbers in sensors, even advanced sensors’ wireless connectivity, it’s cents per bushel when amortized over its life expectancy,” she says. “These cables can basically be an insurance policy.”
Agnew does warn, though, that it’s not possible to effectively blow air in bins with a depth greater than 25 feet, and the ability to manage these bins in general also lessens. Hotspots can be as close as one foot away from a sensor and go undetected, Agnew says, meaning that in the average bin, a farmer truly monitors one to five per cent of the entire bin. “It sounds terrible, but it’s infinitely better than zero,” she says. “It’s way, way better than not monitoring.”
And she points to the fact that with cable monitoring, there are cost savings (currently being quantified by ongoing research) since fans don’t necessarily need to run all night, or even all day, because they can be automated to turn on and off the moment tough grain hits a farmer’s desired temperature.
Monitoring is simply about proper grain management, says Tanner Folk, CEO of IntraGrain Technologies, based in Regina, SK.
He says dryers are amazing tools that often pay for themselves in one season, but there are five vital considerations needing a farmer’s “STAMP” of approval before jumping into the fray:
STORAGE: Klassen says farmers should at least have bin space to match daily bushels that are combined into wet storage, and from wet storage to dry storage. If farmers harvest 10,000 bushels a day, they will need that many, or more, of available wet storage.
TIMELINE: Interested in a dryer for this year’s harvest? It’s almost too late. Klassen says demand has steadily hovered in the six-monthplus window, so start thinking 2021. Inspectors, technicians, electricians and dryer companies all need time to fulfill orders.
AUGERS: Augers have been extremely popular lately — to the point where some dealers are scarcely supplied. It is a non-negotiable, you need augers to run a dryer.
MONEY: Farmers should earmark at least $250,000 for a mid-sized setup capable of drying 400 to 500 bushels per hour. This includes the dryer, wet and dry bins, a concrete pad, protective barricades, power, fuel and labour, says Klassen.
POWER: Will it be single-phase or three-phase power? Or perhaps someone thinks a portable gen-set is the solution. When it comes to fuel, will it be propane or natural gas? For gas, map it out in advance — literally. Trenching costs alone to bring a natural gas line with the proper BTUs into a yard can top $100,000. Klassen says 80 per cent of customers run single-phase with propane due to its quick-and-easy setup. However, three-phase paired with natural gas is the cheapest option for both power and fuel long-term.