Delaro Complete Fungicide – Protecting Pulses from Group 11 Insensitive Anthracnose and Ascochyta Pathogens

March 28, 2024

Delaro® Complete is a new fungicide option to help pulse crop growers in Western Canada combat tough-to-control diseases, including Group 11 insensitive or resistant strains of anthracnose and ascochyta blight.

Managing Anthracnose and Ascochyta Insensitive Strains

Anthracnose and ascochyta are two of the most prevalent pulse crop diseases in the Prairies. According to Saskatchewan Pulse Growers, anthracnose was found in 74% and 92% of surveyed Saskatchewan lentil fields in 2018 and 2019 respectively1. Manitoba Pulse & Soybean Growers reported that ascochyta (mycosphaerella) blight was present in all of the pea fields surveyed in Manitoba for root and foliar diseases in 20172.

Recent field surveys confirm Group 11 insensitive anthracnose3 and ascochyta4 strains are now widespread across Saskatchewan. Left unchecked, both diseases can weaken plants, lower crop quality and reduce yield. For example, in a lentil field, an anthracnose infection can cause more than 50 per cent5 loss of yield.

“Group 11 insensitive anthracnose and ascochyta blight is a growing concern, particularly for lentil and chickpea growers,” says Brett Hilker, a Market Development Representative with Bayer. “Across the Prairies we’re starting to see a lot more Group 11 insensitivity popping up.”

But here’s the good news: Delaro Complete now has three modes of action (Groups 3,7,11) that work in tandem for added protection. The addition of Group 7 fluopyram disrupts spore germination, halting anthracnose and ascochyta reproduction and preventing its spread in a field.

“For growers who haven’t had the option to go with fluopyram on chickpeas before, that’s now available with Delaro Complete,” Hilker adds. “Incorporating a Group 7 mode of action provides a valuable tool for resistance prevention and management. It’s good to see chickpea growers have more access to fluopyram.”

For best results in chickpeas and lentils, Delaro Complete should be applied preventatively at first flower or the first signs of disease. This maximizes the impact of the spore germination disruption process.

Delaro Complete Boosts Yields

There’s more. Delaro Complete also provides strong residual protection. Fluopyram (Group 7) and Prothioconazole (Group 3) stand out in this category. Combined, they can give your pulse acres a considerable yield boost come harvest time.

“I’m still a big fan of the original Delaro formulation,” Hilker says. “But with Delaro Complete, we’ve made the best even better.6

Small plot trials conducted in 2022 illustrate the effect on yield. Compared to the legacy Delaro formulation, pulses treated with Delaro Complete demonstrated a 4.5 per cent yield boost, meaning a stronger return on investment. When compared to competitor products, this difference in yield becomes even more dramatic. Check out the chart below.

A bar chart comparing product results for 2022 all pulse crop yield as percentages of untreated check.

“Residual protection certainly helps boost yields,” Hilker explains, “but the Group 7 addition also brings a physiological greening reaction. Essentially, Delaro Complete helps crops improve light energy uptake, leading to healthier plants overall.”

Delaro Complete is available in 7.1 L jugs and 113.8 L drums in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba – just time for the 2024 growing season.

If you’re considering Delaro Complete, local Bayer representatives like Brett Hilker are here to help you make the right decision for your farm. To find your nearest Bayer representative or for more information, go to my.bayer.ca and sign up for your MyBayer account today.


  1. Saskatchewan Pulse Growers. Anthracnose in Lentils: Managing Fungicide Insensitivity. Accessed March 15, 2024. Available at: Anthracnose in Lentils: Managing Fungicide Insensitivity | Saskatchewan Pulse Growers (saskpulse.com)
  2. Manitoba Pulse Soybean Growers. Managing Ascochyta (Mycosphaerella) Blight in Field Peas. Accessed March 15, 2024. Available at: Managing Ascochyta (Mycosphaerella) Blight in Field Peas – Manitoba Pulse & Soybean Growers
  3. Saskatchewan Pulse Growers. Fungicide Insensitivity in Anthracnose of Lentil: 2021 Update. Accessed March 8, 2024. Available at: https://saskpulse.com/resources/fungicide-insensitivity-in-anthracnose-of-lentil-2021-update/
  4. Saskatchewan Pulse Growers. Managing Insensitivity to Group 11 (strobilurin) Fungicides in Ascochyta in Chickpea. Accessed March 8, 2024. Available at: https://saskpulse.com/resources/managing-insensitivity-to-group-11-strobilurin-fungicides-in-ascochyta-in-chickpea/
  5. Government of Saskatchewan. Lentil Diseases – Identification and Management. Accessed March 11, 2024. Available at: https://www.saskatchewan.ca/business/agriculture-natural-resources-and-industry/agribusiness-farmers-and-ranchers/crops-and-irrigation/disease/lentil-diseases-identification-and-management
  6. 2021-2023 AGDATA West Pulse Fungicide Reports


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