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Trilex EverGol SHIELD

Trilex EverGol SHIELD


Trilex® EverGol® SHIELD fungicide and insecticide seed treatment, for complete disease and insect protection in pulses, is ideal for on-farm treaters or for smaller batches towards the end of the treating season. It provides seed- and soil-borne protection against rhizoctonia, ascochyta, pythium, fusarium and botrytis while also controlling wireworm and pea leaf weevil.

Trilex EverGol SHIELD is a concentrated product that allows the treater greater control over water volumes to optimize application volume and coverage.

With the power of three different active ingredients for disease control and Stress Shield® for insect control Trilex EverGol SHIELD gives you effective protection against the challenging diseases and insects associated with early-season planting.

Product Summary

Seed Treatment

Product Type

  • Seed Treatment


Diseases Controlled

Diseases Controlled

Diseases Supressed

Diseases Suppressed

  • Ascochyta
Insects Controlled

Insects Controlled

  • Pea Leaf Weevil
  • Potato Leafhopper
  • Wireworm
Groups and Active Ingredients

Groups and Active Ingredients

  • Penflufen Group 7
  • Trifloxystrobin Group 11
  • Metalaxyl Group 4
  • Imidacloprid Group 4 (Insecticide)
Formulation Type

Formulation Type

  • Liquid Water-Based Flowable Suspension

Active Ingredients


Group 4 Group 7 Group 11
Group 4
Group 7
Group 11


Group 4
Group 4


Beans (dry, faba, snap, and succulent)
Peas (dry and field)

Labelled Diseases

Fusarium root rot
Pythium root rot
Rhizoctonia solani
Rhizoctonia solani root rot
Ascochyta (suppression)

Labelled Insects

Pea leaf weevil (field peas and faba beans only)
Potato leafhopper (dry beans and dry peas only)
Wireworm (lentils, peas, chickpeas, beans)

Inoculant Compatibility

  NexusBioAg XITEBIO
TagTeam® (Peat) Cell-Tech® (Peat) TagTeam & Cell-Tech (Liquid) JumpStart® PulseRhizo™ (Liquid)
Peas Lentils Peas Lentils Peas & Lentils Peas & Lentils Peas, Lentils and Faba Beans
Sequential 24 hours 48 hours 24 hours 48 hours N/R 15 days N/A
Simultaneous 24 hours 48 hours 24 hours 48 hours N/R 15 days N/A
Tank Mix N/R N/R N/R N/R N/A

Nodulator® (Peat) RhizUp® (Liquid) RhizUp (Peat) Nodulator® XL (Liquid) Nodulator XL (Peat)
Chickpeas Dry Beans Faba Beans Peas Lentils Peas Lentils Peas Lentils Peas Lentils
Sequential N/A N/R N/A 4 hours N/A N/R N/A 4 hours N/A
Simultaneous N/A N/R N/A 2 hours N/A N/R N/A 2 hours N/A
Tank Mix N/A N/R N/A N/R N/A N/R N/A N/R N/A

Always refer to the individual product labels for proper use instructions and restrictions.
Compatibility data has been provided by BASF, NexusBioAg and XiteBio
N/R = Not recommended

Province of Registration

British Columbia
New Brunswick
Northwest Territories
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island

Application Tips

Trilex EverGol SHIELD is a concentrated product allowing the treater to control water volume and to optimize application volume and ensure uniform coverage

  • Puts complete control in the grower’s or applicator’s hands
  • Recommend a 7:1 dilution ratio (carrier to product) that can be adjusted depending on seed wetness, other mix partners and seed/environmental conditions
  • Low seed moisture content – increase water volume to ensure no further damage is done to seed coat and resulting germination & vigour
  • Easy clean up
  • Convenient packaging for both on-farm and commercial treaters

Application Tips:

  • Always ensure proper mixing of the products before application
  • Once mixed with water, Trilex EverGol SHIELD has similar flow characteristics to water, resulting in ease of application
  • Always wear personal protective equipment when handling seed treatments or treated seed
  • Always calibrate seeding equipment with treated seed, as seed flow can be affected

Trilex EverGol SHIELD Rate
Trilex Component A 25 mL/100 kg seed
Trilex Component B 16 mL/100 kg seed
Stress Shield 104 mL/100 kg seed

Trilex EverGol SHIELD Packaging
Trilex Component A 1.5 L jug Treats 221 bu. based on 60 lbs/bu.
Trilex Component B 0.96 L jug
Stress Shield 6.25 L jug

Mixing Instructions:

For best results add ½ of the carrier or water in a 7:1 ratio of water to product. Next add Trilex Component A, then Trilex Component B, then Stress Shield and fill with the remaining water. Agitate and apply. Re-agitate before each application.

Always ensure proper mixing prior to application.

Always calibrate seeding equipment with treated seed as flow can be affected.

When adding in micronutrient, reduce the amount of water needed by the volume of micronutrient added. Check with nutrient manufacturer for compatibility.

Trilex EverGol SHIELD Mixing Ratios

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