Brand LogoFungicide

Delaro Complete

Delaro® Complete fungicide delivers three modes of action to provide enhanced disease control in corn, soybeans, cereals, pulse crops and edible beans under various environmental conditions to combat the toughest diseases. For chickpea, lentil and field pea growers, Delaro Complete fungicide provides industry leading defenses against yield robbing diseases like anthracnose, Ascochyta – including biotypes resistant to Group 11 (strobilurin, Qol) fungicides –  mycosphaerella blight, white and grey mould and powdery mildew. In corn, it provides excellent control of tar spot and other yield robbing diseases such as common rust, eye spot and Northern corn leaf blight. In soybeans, Delaro Complete controls all major soybean diseases as well as providing increased protection against white mould.

fs-approved-use: AB, BC, MB, NB, NL, NS, ON, PE, QC, SK





Introduces the Group 7 active, fluopyram, which offers excellent protection in high disease situations

Delaro Complete has three modes of action (Groups 3, 11, 7) that work in tandem for added protection

Effective management of major corn and soybean diseases, including control of tar spot and suppression of white mould

Effective management of major pulse diseases, including control of anthracnose (including biotypes resistant to Group 11 fungicides in lentil and chickpea), ascochyta (including Ascochyta rabiei biotypes resistant to Group 11 fungicides in chickpea), mycosphaerella blight, white and grey mould and powdery mildew.



Wheat (Durum, Spring, Winter)



Corn (Field, Popcorn, Seed, Sweet)


Group 3 Prothioconazole
Group 7 Fluopyram
Group 11 Trifloxystrobin


7.1 L jug

113.8 L drum

426.6 L bulk tote


Wheat (Durum, Spring, Winter)



Corn (Field, Popcorn, Seed, Sweet)



Group 3 Prothioconazole
Group 7 Fluopyram
Group 11 Trifloxystrobin




7.1 L jug

113.8 L drum

426.6 L bulk tote



Ascochyta blight

Asian soybean rust

Brown spot

Chocolate spot

Charcoal rot

White mould (Soybean only)



Ascochyta blight

Asian soybean rust

Brown spot

Chocolate spot


Charcoal rot

White mould (Soybean only)

Performance Data


    Common rust
    Southern corn rust
    Eye spot
    Northern corn leaf blight
    Grey leaf spot
    Tar spot
    Apply when disease first appears and apply a second application 7 to 14 days later if favourable conditions for disease development persist.
    237 mL/ac. (586 mL/ha)
    May be applied by ground or aerial spray equipment. Do not apply with an adjuvant in corn.
    Suppression Of Fusarium, Gibberella Ear Rots, And Stalk Rots
    Apply Delaro Complete at 237 mL/ac. (586 mL/ha) in tank-mix with Proline 480 SC foliar fungicide at 83 mL/ac. (202 mL/ha).
    Do not apply this tank-mix with an adjuvant.
    Asian soybean rust
    Frogeye leaf spot
    Brown spot
    Phomopsis stem blight
    Suppression of
    Charcoal rot
    White mould
    Apply preventively or at the first signs of disease from early flowering (R1) to complete pod fill (R5). When disease pressure is high or when agronomic or weather conditions are conducive to disease development, make a second application 10 to 14 days later.
    237 mL/ac. (586 mL/ha)
    May be applied by ground or aerial spray equipment.
    A non-ionic surfactant at 0.125% v/v may be used with Delaro Complete.
    Winter Wheat
    Septoria leaf blotch
    Powdery mildew
    Tan spot
    Leaf rust
    Stem rust
    Stripe rust
    Single application 4-leaf stage up to flag leaf (GS 14-47).
    Two applications First application 4-leaf stage to flag leaf stage. Second application not within 14 days of the first application and prior to head emergence.
    189 to 237 mL/ac. (468 to 586 mL/ha)
    A non-ionic surfactant at 0.125% v/v may be used with Delaro Complete
    Barley, Oats, Wheat (Spring, Durum)
    Please refer to label for complete list of diseases controlled and suppressed.
    Apply as a preventative disease control measure or at the very early stages of disease development. Typically, this application will occur from tillering up to flag leaf emergence.
    237 mL/ac. (586 mL/ha)
    Edible Beans And Dry Beans
    White mould
    Grey mould
    Ascochyta blight
    Asian soybean rust
    Mycosphaerella blight
    Powdery mildew
    Chocolate spot in fava bean
    Apply preventatively at the beginning of flowering or at the first sign of disease. When disease pressure is high or when agronomic or weather conditions are conducive to disease development, make a second application 7 to 14 days later.
    356 mL/ac. (880 mL/ha)
    Aschochyta blight control including Aschochyta rabiei biotypes resistant to Group 11 fungicides in chickpea. Anthracnose control including biotypes resistant to Group 11 (strobilurin, Qol) fungicides in lentil and chickpea
    Ensure that the area to be treated is covered uniformly. Good spray coverage and canopy penetration are important for best results.
    A Non-Ionic Surfactant at 0.125% v/v may be used.

    Delaro Complete must be applied with properly calibrated, clean equipment. Prior to adding Delaro Complete to the spray tank, ensure that the spray tank is thoroughly clean.
    Delaro Complete applied alone:
    Add one-half of the required amount of water to the spray or mixing tank and start agitation
    Add the required quantity of Delaro Complete to the water and complete filling with water to the required total volume
    Maintain agitation throughout mixing and spraying
    For application in soybeans: Delaro Complete should be thoroughly dispersed prior to the addition of a non-ionic surfactant. Delaro Complete is recommended to be used with a registered non-ionic surfactant, such as Agral® 90 or Ag-Surf® II, at 0.125% vol/vol.

    Corn (field, popcorn)
    30 days
    24 hours
    Do not apply within 14 days of harvest for forage, grain and stover.
    REI of 14 days after application for manual detasseling of corn.
    Corn (sweet)
    14 days
    24 hours
    Do not apply within 14 days of harvest for ears, forage and fodder.
    REI of 14 days after application for manual detasseling of corn.
    20 days
    24 hours
    Do not graze or feed treated soybean forage or hay to livestock.
    Dried shelled pea and bean
    30 days
    24 hours
    Do not apply within 7 days of cutting or swathing of the crop for forage. Do not apply within 30 days of harvest of seed
    Winter wheat
    45 days
    24 hours
    Grazing Restrictions a) If 2 applications of Delaro Complete per season are applied, do not allow livestock to graze within the treated area and do not harvest the treated crop for forage or hay. b) If 1 application of Delaro Complete per season is applied, do not allow livestock to graze within the treated area within 30 days after application, and do not harvest the treated crop for forage within 30 days after application and 45 days for grain, straw and for hay.
    Barley, oats, wheat (spring, durum)
    45 days
    12 hours
    Do not allow livestock to graze within the treated area within 30 days after application, and do not harvest the treated crop for forage within 30 days after application and 45 days for grain, straw and for hay.

    Wheat (spring, durum), barley, oats: Maximum 1 application per crop year.
    Dry peas, chickpeas, lentils, soybeans, corn, wheat (winter): Maximum 2 applications per crop year.

    Ground: minimum of 10 US gallons/ac. (94 L/ha).
    Aerial: minimum of 5 US gallons/ac. (47 L/ha).

    1 hour


    For resistance management, please note that Delaro Complete contains a Group 3, Group 11 and Group 7 fungicide. Any fungal population may contain individuals naturally resistant to Delaro Complete and other Group 7 and Group 3 fungicides. A gradual or total loss of pest control may occur over time if these fungicides are used repeatedly in the same fields. Other resistance mechanisms that are not linked to site of action, but specific for individual chemicals, such as enhanced metabolism, may also exist. Appropriate resistance-management strategies should be followed.
    To delay fungicide resistance:
    - Where possible, rotate the use of Delaro Complete or other Group 3, Group 11 and Group 7 fungicides with products from different fungicide Groups that control the same pathogens
    - Do not apply more than the indicated maximum number of applications per year specified for each crop
    - Fungicide use should be based on an integrated disease management program that includes scouting, historical information related to pesticide use and crop rotation and considers host plant resistance, impact of environmental conditions on disease development, disease thresholds, as well as cultural, biological and other chemical control practices. Where possible, make use of predictive disease models to effectively time fungicide applications.
    - Monitor treated fungal populations for resistance development. Notify Bayer if reduced sensitivity of the pathogen to Delaro Complete is suspected.
    - If disease continues to progress after treatment with this product, do not increase the use rate. Discontinue use of this product, and switch to another fungicide with a different target site of action, if available.
    - Contact your local extension specialist, certified crop advisor, or Bayer at 1-888-283-6847 for any additional pesticide resistance-management and/or integrated disease-management recommendations for specific crops and disease biotypes

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