Brand LogoHerbicide

Roundup Transorb HC

Roundup Transorb® HC herbicide delivers outstanding weed control at a lower cost, setting the standard in value, combining performance, support and quality. With the confidence of knowing that Bayer stands behind every jug with the Riskshield® protection package.

fs-approved-use: AB, BC, MB, NB, NL, NS, NT, NU, ON, PE, QC, SK, YK





Excellent consistency and weed control

Trusted performance

60-minute rainfast guarantee*

Product service and support you can rely on

All weather warranty


  • *Rainfast guarantee, service and support and weather warranty provided through the RiskShield® Protection Package. Terms and conditions apply. Visit for more information







Non-Selective Herbicide

9 Glyphosate

Liquid concentrate herbicide Water soluble 540g/L formulation

10 L Jug = 8 to 30 ac.

115L Drum

450L Tote

800L Tote







Non-Selective Herbicide


9 Glyphosate


Liquid concentrate herbicide Water soluble 540g/L formulation


10 L Jug = 8 to 30 ac.

115L Drum

450L Tote

800L Tote


Field bindweed

Annual bluegrass

Canada bluegrass

Kentucky bluegrass

Annual broadleaf weeds


Field bindweed

Annual bluegrass

Canada bluegrass

Kentucky bluegrass

Annual broadleaf weeds


    Bean, Dry
    Summer Fallow- Chemfallow
    Please refer to label for complete list of weeds controlled and suppressed.
    Refer to label
    Refer to label
    TruFlex™ Roundup Ready canola varieties
    Annual Grasses
    Barnyard grass, green foxtail, volunteer barley, volunteer wheat, wild oats
    Annual Broadleaves
    Chickweed, cleavers, corn spurry, cow cockle1, flixweed, hemp-nettle, kochia, lady’s-thumb, lamb’s quarters, narrow-leaved hawk’s beard, night-flowering catchfly1, non-Roundup Ready volunteer canola (rapeseed), redroot pigweed, Russian thistle, shepherd’s purse1, smartweed1, stinkweed, stork’s-bill, wild buckwheat, wild mustard, wild tomato
    Perennials (Suppression) Canada thistle, dandelion, perennial sow thistle and dandelion
    Perennials (Season-long control) Quackgrass
    Emergence to first flower
    0.22 to 0.33 L/ac. single application
    When 50% of the plants in the field have more than one flower.
    Ensure the crop has not advanced beyond the recommended growth stage for all applications.
    Maximum 1.33 L/ac. is allowed for the post emergence use.
    TruFlex™ Roundup Ready canola varieties
    All the above weeds plus Perennials (season-long control) Canada thistle, and perennial sow thistle
    Emergence to first flower
    0.51 L/ac. single application
    TruFlex™ Roundup Ready canola varieties
    All the above weeds plus round-leaved mallow
    Perennials (season-long control) foxtail barley, Canada thistle
    Emergence to first flower
    0.33 L/ac. sequential applications
    When 50% of the plants in the field have more than one flower.
    Ensure the crop has not advanced beyond the recommended growth stage for all applications.
    Repeat applications may be required if a second flush of weeds germinates prior to canopy closure.
    Maximum 1.33 L/ac. is allowed for the post emergence use.
    For sequential applications, ensure the crop has not advanced beyond the recommended growth stage.
    TruFlex™ Roundup Ready canola varieties
    All the above weeds plus Biennial wormwood2, cocklebur, common ragweed, crabgrass (smooth and large), eastern black nightshade, fall panicum, foxtail (yellow and giant), foxtail barley, Pennsylvania smartweed, smooth pigweed, velvet leaf, volunteer adzuki beans3, wild proso millet, wire-stem muhly
    Common milkweed (suppression), yellow nutsedge (suppression)
    Emergence to first flower
    0.67 L/ac. single application
    When 50% of the plants in the field have more than one flower.
    Ensure the crop has not advanced beyond the recommended growth stage for all applications.
    Repeat applications may be required if a second flush of weeds germinates prior to canopy closure.
    Maximum 1.33 L/ac. is allowed for the post emergence use.
    TruFlex™ Roundup Ready canola varieties
    All the above weeds plus Perennials (season-long control) Bur cucumber, common milkweed, dandelion, field bindweed, horse nettle, tall waterhemp, yellow nutsedge
    Emergence to first flower
    0.67 L/ac. sequential applications
    When 50% of the plants in the field have more than one flower.
    Ensure the crop has not advanced beyond the recommended growth stage for all applications.
    Repeat applications may be required if a second flush of weeds germinates prior to canopy closure.
    Maximum 1.33 L/ac. is allowed for the post emergence use.
    A sequential application may be made at least 2 weeks after the first application.
    A second 0.67 L/ac. application may be used for late weed flushes emerging after the initial treatment.
    Common milkweed should be 15-60 cm in height and actively growing.
    Yellow nutsedge should be 5-15 cm in height and actively growing.
    Horse nettle (2 to 12-leaf stage).
    Tall waterhemp up to and including the 18 leaf stage.
    Bur Cucumber from the 1-to-18 leaf stage.
    TruFlex™ Roundup Ready canola varieties
    All the above weeds
    Emergence to 6 leaf
    1.33 L/ac. single application
    One application allowed in crop per season.


    • 1The 0.22 L/ac. rate can be used for control of shepherd’s purse, cow cockle and night-flowering catchfly at the 1– 3 leaf stage of the crop or for control of smartweed at the 4 –6 leaf stage. Repeat applications may be required if a second flush of weeds germinates prior to canopy closure.
    • 2 Biennial wormwood should be at 2 to 8 leaf stage and actively growing.
    • 3 For control of volunteer adzuki beans (unifoliate to the fourth trifoliate leaf stage) apply 0.67 L/ac. A second 0.67 L/ac. application may be used for late flushes emerging after the initial treatment. Adzuki beans should be at unifoliate to fourth trifoliate leaf stage and actively growing.

    Where possible, rotate the use of Roundup Transorb HC liquid herbicide or other Group 9 herbicides within a growing season (sequence), or among growing seasons with different herbicide groups that control the same weeds in a field
    Use tank mixtures with herbicides from a different Group when such use is permitted. To delay resistance, the less resistance-prone partner should control the target weed(s) as effectively as the more resistance-prone partner.
    Herbicide use should be based on an integrated weed management program that includes scouting, historical information related to herbicide use and crop rotation, tillage (or other mechanical control methods), cultural (for example, higher crop seeding rates, precision fertilizer application methods and timing that favours crops and not weeds), biological (weed-competitive crops or varieties) and other management practices
    Monitor weed populations after herbicide application for signs of resistance development (for example, determine if one weed species on the herbicide label is not controlled). If resistance is suspected, prevent weed seed production in the affected area if possible by using an alternative herbicide from a different Group.Prevent movement of resistant weed seeds to other fields by cleaning harvesting and tillage equipment before moving fields.
    Always plant clean seed.
    Have suspected resistant weed seeds tested by a qualified laboratory to confirm resistance and identify alternative herbicide options
    Contact your local extension specialist, certified crop advisor or Bayer at 1 888-283-6847 for any additional pesticide resistance-management and/or integrated weed-management recommendations for specific crops and weed biotypes.

    For control of perennial weeds: apply Roundup Transorb HC in 20 to 40 L/ac. of clean water as a broadcast spray, using no more than 275 kPa pressure.
    For control of annual weeds: apply Roundup Transorb HC in 20 to 40 L/ac. of clean water as a broadcast spray (except as otherwise stated on the label), using no more than 275 kPa pressure.

    1 hour

    For a list of permissible tank-mix partners and mixing order, please refer to the product label.


    Heated storage not required

    For resistance management, Roundup Transorb HC Liquid Herbicide is a Group 9 herbicide. Any weed population may contain or develop plants naturally resistant to Roundup Transorb HC Liquid Herbicide and other Group 9 herbicides. The resistant biotypes may dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly in the same field. Other resistance mechanisms that are not linked to site of action, but specific for individual chemicals, such as enhanced metabolism, may also exist. Appropriate resistance management strategies should be followed.
    Mix Groups
    Use tank mixtures with herbicides from a different Group when such use is permitted. To delay resistance, the less resistance-prone partner should control the target weed(s) as effectively as the more resistance-prone partner.
    Herbicide use should be based on an integrated weed management program that includes scouting, historical information related to herbicide use and crop rotation, tillage (or other mechanical control methods), cultural (for example, higher crop seeding rates; precision fertilizer application method and timing that favors crop and not weeds), biological (weed-competitive crops or varieties) and other management practices. Weed size should also be considered, as the product is more effective on smaller weeds.
    Monitor weed populations
    After herbicide application check weeds in your fields for signs of resistance development (for example, one weed species on the herbicide label may not be controlled). If resistance is suspected, prevent weed seed production in the affected area if possible, by using an alternative herbicide from a different Group. Prevent movement of resistant weed seeds to other fields by cleaning harvesting and tillage equipment when moving between fields, and always plant clean seed.
    Have suspected resistant weed seeds tested by a qualified laboratory to confirm resistance and identify alternative herbicide options
    Contact your local extension specialist, certified crop advisor, or Bayer at 1-888-283-6847 for any additional pesticide resistance-management and/or integrated weed-management recommendations for specific crops and weed biotypes.
    For more information on weed resistance management visit



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