Brand LogoHerbicide


Tank mixing Olympus® herbicide with your pre-seed Roundup® application and following it with an in-season application of Varro® or Velocity m3 herbicide provides exceptional control of flushing foxtail barley, downy and Japanese brome in your wheat. Additionally, you get enhanced control of wild oats, and volunteer canola and many of your other toughest weeds, ultimately providing your crop with unrestricted access to the nutrients and resources it needs to flourish.

Approved for use in: AB, BC, MB, SK


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Product Highlights

Provides exceptional, season-long control of foxtail barley and other tough to control weeds.

Get the weed control you need, even in cooler conditions, with no-recropping restrictions.

Product Details

CropsCategoryGroups & Active ingredientsFormulation TypePackaging

Wheat (Durum, Spring, Winter)

Broadleaf & Grass Weeds

2 Propoxycarbazone-sodium

Wettable Granules

1 bottle = 80 ac.


Wheat (Durum, Spring, Winter)


Broadleaf & Grass Weeds

Groups & Active ingredients

2 Propoxycarbazone-sodium

Formulation Type

Wettable Granules


1 bottle = 80 ac.

Weeds Controlled

Canada fleabane


Common Ragweed

Downy brome grass


Weeds Controlled

Canada fleabane


Common Ragweed

Downy brome grass


Performance Data

Use & Mixing

Use & Mixing
    Wheat (Durum, Spring, Winter)
    All weeds listed on product label.
    Herbicide can be applied up to one week prior to planting spring, durum and winter wheat, or immediately after planting but prior to crop emergence.
    ~6gm/ac of Olympus (1 bottle treats 80 acres) + 450-900 g a.e./ha of Roundup
    Do not apply to crops under sown with legume species.

    Before and after using Olympus herbicide, always complete a thorough cleaning of the spray tank, lines and filters. The following procedures are recommended:
    Drain the tank completely. Then wash out the tank, boom and hoses with clean water. Drain the water from the tank.
    Half fill the tank with clean water and add ammonia (i.e., 3% domestic ammonia solution) at a dilution rate of 1% (i.e., 1 L of domestic ammonia for every 100 L of rinsate). Completely fill the tank with water.
    Agitate/recirculate the fluid and flush it through the boom and hoses. Leave on agitation for 10 minutes. Drain the tank completely.
    Repeat the above step
    Remove the nozzles and screens and soak them in a 1% ammonia solution. Inspect the nozzles and screens and remove any visible residue.
    Flush the tank, boom and hoses with clean water
    Inspect the tank for visible residue. If present, repeat the second step.
    Dispose of the rinsing fluids in accordance with provincial regulations

    CropPre-harvest IntervalRe-Entry IntervalGrazing/Feeding interval
    Wheat (durum, spring, winter)
    DO NOT harvest wheat for grain or straw within 71 days of application.
    If tank mixing, always respect the maximum pre-harvest interval stated on the labels of all the tank mix
    DO NOT enter or allow worker entry into treated areas during the restricted-entry interval (REI) of 12
    DO NOT harvest wheat for grain or straw within 71 days of application. If tank mixing, always respect the maximum pre-harvest interval stated on the labels of all the tank mix products

    Ground 46.8 L/ha (5 gal/ac.)
    Aerial 28.1 L/ha (3 gal/ac.)

    4 hours

    For a list of permissible tank-mix partners and mixing order, please refer to the product label.

Additional Guidelines

    Barley, canola, lentils, peas (field) = 10 months
    Oats, flax = 12 months

    Heated storage not required


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