Brand LogoSeed Treatment

Emesto Silver

Emesto® Silver fungicide seed-piece treatment provides exceptional disease protection. The unmistakable red formula of Emesto Silver coats your potato seed-pieces and protects your crop against fusarium tuber rot, seedborne rhizoctonia, and silver scurf. With two modes of action against fusarium, it even safeguards against current resistant strains.

fs-approved-use: AB, BC, MB, NB, NL, NS, NT, NU, ON, PE, QC, SK, YK





Excellent control of fusarium tuber rot (including current resistant strains) and seed-borne Rhizoctonia solani (black scurf, stem and stolon canker)

Coloured formulation facilitates safe and uniform application while allowing visual confirmation of coverage

Liquid formulation allows for easy application and coverage




7 Penflufen
3 Prothioconazole


2 x 3.85 L jugs




7 Penflufen
3 Prothioconazole




2 x 3.85 L jugs


Fusarium tuber rot (including current resistant strains)

Seed-borne Rhizoctonia solani (black scurf, stem and stolon canker)

Silver scurf


Fusarium tuber rot (including current resistant strains)

Seed-borne Rhizoctonia solani (black scurf, stem and stolon canker)

Silver scurf

Performance Data


    Fusarium tuber rot (including current resistant strains)
    Seed-borne Rhizoctonia solani (black scurf, stem and stolon canker)
    Silver scurf
    Seed-piece treatment
    20 mL/100 kg seed (9.1 mL/cwt)
    For optimal disease and insect control, good uniform coverage of the seed-piece is required
    Seed pieces should be treated immediately after cutting.
    Apply specified dosage as a diluted spray using equipment that ensures uniform coverage of each seed piece. Apply no more than 150 mL of slurry/100 kg of seed pieces (68 mL/cwt seed). Agitate or stir the slurry solution as needed.
    Best control of soil-borne and seed-borne Rhizoctonia solani is obtained if the seed piece treatment with Emesto Silver is followed by an in-furrow treatment with Velum® Rise fungicide/nematicide at registered rates.

    Best control of soil-borne and seed-borne Rhizoctonia solani is obtained if the seed piece treatment with Emesto Silver is followed by an in-furrow treatment with Velum® Rise
    fungicide/nematicide at registered rates.
    For optimal disease and insect control, good uniform coverage of the seed-piece is required
    Seed pieces should be treated immediately after cutting.
    Apply specified dosage as a diluted spray using equipment that ensures uniform coverage of each seed piece. Apply no more than 150 mL of slurry/100 kg of seed pieces (68 mL/cwt seed). Agitate or stir the slurry solution as needed.


    Apply specified dosage as a diluted spray using equipment that ensures uniform coverage of each seed piece. Apply no more than 150 mL of slurry/100 kg of seed pieces (68 mL/cwt seed). Agitate or stir the slurry solution as needed.

    For a list of permissible tank-mix partners and mixing order, please refer to the product label.


    Where possible, rotate the use of Emesto Silver or other products containing a Group 3 or 7 fungicide with different groups that control the same pathogens.
    Use tank mixtures with fungicides from a different group when such use is permitted.
    Fungicide use should be based on an IPM program that includes scouting, historical information related to pesticide use and crop rotation and considers cultural, biological and other chemical control practices.



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