Brand LogoInsecticide

Sivanto Prime

Sivanto® Prime insecticide precisely targets key damaging pests like aphids, leafhoppers, blueberry maggot, scale and psyllids with fast-acting and long lasting activity while at the same time having a favourable safety profile for many beneficial insects.

fs-approved-use: AB, BC, MB, NB, NL, NS, NT, NU, ON, PE, QC, SK, YK





Delivers quick knockdown and residual control of target pests

Minimal application timing restrictions allowing application based on pest thresholds not plant staging

Antifeedant properties and quick knockdown of adult pests mitigate primary disease spread and residual activity provides lasting protection

Translaminar and local systemic movement allows targeting of insects feeding on the underside of leaves

Quickly kills targeted adult and immature insect pests




Pome Fruit

Berries & Small Fruit

Stone Fruit

Leafy Vegetables

4D Flupyradifurone


2 L jug

Formulated as a 200 g/L suspension concentrate



Pome Fruit

Berries & Small Fruit

Stone Fruit

Leafy Vegetables


4D Flupyradifurone




2 L jug

Formulated as a 200 g/L suspension concentrate


Aphid (except woolly apple aphid)

Blueberry maggot

Colorado potato beetle


Oystershell scale

Pear psylla

Spotted lanternfly


Aphid (except woolly apple aphid)

Blueberry maggot

Colorado potato beetle


Oystershell scale


Pear psylla

Spotted lanternfly


    Alfalfa (Forage, Silage And Hay Production Only)
    Apply as a directed foliar spray ensuring thorough coverage
    500-750 mL/ha
    (202-303 mL/ac.)
    Berry And Small Fruit – Bushberry (Except Highbush Cranberry) (Crop Subgroup 13-07B)
    Apply as a directed foliar spray ensuring thorough coverage
    500-750 mL/ha
    (202-303 mL/ac.)
    Berry And Small Fruit – Bushberry (Except Highbush Cranberry) (Crop Subgroup 13-07B)
    Blueberry Maggot
    Apply as a directed foliar spray ensuring thorough coverage
    750-1000 mL/ha
    (303-405 mL/ac.)
    Berry And Small Fruit – Small Fruit Vine Climbing, Except Fuzzy Kiwifruit (Crop Subgroup 13-07F)
    Foliar Apply as a directed foliar spray ensuring thorough coverage
    500-750 mL/ha
    (202-303 mL/ac.)
    Berry And Small Fruit – Small Fruit Vine Climbing, Except Fuzzy Kiwifruit (Crop Subgroup 13-07F)
    Soil Application Chemigation
    1500-2000 mL/ha
    (607-809 mL/ac.)
    Berry And Small Fruit – Small Fruit Vine Climbing, Except Fuzzy Kiwifruit (Crop Subgroup 13-07F)
    Spotted Lanternfly (Suppression)
    Monitor crops and commence applications once local thresholds are reached. Apply as a directed foliar spray ensuring thorough coverage.
    500-750 mL/ha
    (202-303 mL/ac.)
    Berry And Small Fruit – Low Growing Berry (Except Cranberry And Lowbush Blueberry) (Crop Subgroup 13-07G)
    Apply as a directed foliar spray ensuring thorough coverage
    500-750 mL/ha
    (202-303 mL/ac.)
    Berry And Small Fruit – Low Growing Berry (Except Cranberry And Lowbush Blueberry) (Crop Subgroup 13-07G)
    Blueberry Maggot
    Apply as a directed foliar spray ensuring thorough coverage
    750-1000 mL/ha
    (303-405 mL/ac.)
    Brassica Head And Stem Vegetables (Crop Group 5-13)
    Apply as a directed foliar spray ensuring thorough coverage
    500-750 mL/ha
    (202-303 mL/ac.)
    Brassica Head And Stem Vegetables (Crop Group 5-13)
    Apply as a directed foliar spray ensuring thorough coverage
    750-1000 mL/ha
    (303-405 mL/ac.)
    Corn (Field, Sweet, Pop, Seed)
    Apply as a directed foliar spray ensuring thorough coverage
    500-750 mL/ha
    (202-303 mL/ac.)
    Cucurbit Vegetables1 (Crop Group 9)
    Foliar Apply as a directed foliar spray ensuring thorough coverage
    500-750 mL/ha
    (202-303 mL/ac.)
    Cucurbit Vegetables1 (Crop Group 9)
    Foliar Apply as a directed foliar spray ensuring thorough coverage
    750-1000 mL/ha
    (303-405 mL/ac.)
    Cucurbit Vegetables1 (Crop Group 9)
    Soil Application Chemigation
    500-750 mL/ha
    (202-303 mL/ac.)
    Cucurbit Vegetables1 (Crop Group 9)
    Soil Application Chemigation
    750-1000 mL/ha
    (303-405 mL/ac.)
    Fruiting Vegetables (Crop Group 8-09)
    Foliar Apply as a directed foliar spray ensuring thorough coverage
    500-750 mL/ha
    (202-303 mL/ac.)
    Fruiting Vegetables (Crop Group 8-09)
    Colorado Potato Beetle
    Foliar Apply as a directed foliar spray ensuring thorough coverage
    750-1000 mL/ha
    (303-405 mL/ac.)
    Fruiting Vegetables (Crop Group 8-09)
    Soil Application Chemigation
    750-1000 mL /
    10,000 plants
    Apply as a directed foliar spray ensuring thorough coverage
    500-750 mL/ha
    (202-303 mL/ac.)
    Leaf Petiole Vegetables (Crop Group 22-B)
    Apply as a directed foliar spray ensuring thorough coverage
    500-750 mL/ha
    (202-303 mL/ac.)
    Leaf Petiole Vegetables (Crop Group 22-B)
    Apply as a directed foliar spray ensuring thorough coverage
    750-1000 mL/ha
    (303-405 mL/ac.)
    Leafy Vegetables (Crop Group 4-13)
    Apply as a directed foliar spray ensuring thorough coverage
    500-750 mL/ha
    (202-303 mL/ac.)
    Leafy Vegetables (Crop Group 4-13)
    Apply as a directed foliar spray ensuring thorough coverage
    750-1000 mL/ha
    (303-405 mL/ac.)
    Legume Vegetables (Succulent or Dried) (Crop Group 6)
    Apply as a directed foliar spray ensuring thorough coverage
    500-750 mL/ha
    (202-303 mL/ac.)
    Legume Vegetables (Succulent or Dried) (Crop Group 6)
    Apply as a directed foliar spray ensuring thorough coverage
    750-1000 mL/ha
    (303-405 mL/ac.)
    Apply as a directed foliar spray ensuring thorough coverage
    500-750 mL/ha
    (202-303 mL/ac.)
    Apply as a directed foliar spray ensuring thorough coverage
    750-1000 mL/ha
    (303-405 mL/ac.)
    Pome Fruits2 (Crop Group 11-09)
    Aphids (Except Wooly Apple Aphid)
    Apply as a directed foliar spray ensuring thorough coverage
    500-750 mL/ha
    (202-303 mL/ac.)
    Pome Fruits2 (Crop Group 11-09)
    Oystershell Scale
    Pear Psylla (Suppression)
    San Jose Scale
    Apply as a directed foliar spray ensuring thorough coverage
    750-1000 mL/ha
    (303-405 mL/ac.) + horticultural oil at 0.25% vol/vol.
    Stone Fruit (Crop Group 12-09)
    Apply as a directed foliar spray ensuring thorough coverage
    500 – 750 ml/ha (202-303 mL/ac.)
    Caneberry (Crop Subgroup 13-07A)
    Apply as a directed foliar spray ensuring thorough coverage
    500 – 750 ml/ha (202-303 mL/ac.)
    Root And Tuber Vegetables – Root Vegetables (Except Sugarbeet) (Crop Subgroup 1B)
    Apply as a directed foliar spray ensuring thorough coverage
    500-750 mL/ha
    (202-303 mL/ac.)
    Root And Tuber Vegetables – Root Vegetables (Except Sugarbeet) (Crop Subgroup 1B)
    Apply as a directed foliar spray ensuring thorough coverage
    750-1000 mL/ha
    (303-405 mL/ac.)
    Root And Tuber Vegetables – Tuberous And Corm Vegetables (Crop Subgroup 1C)
    Apply as a directed foliar spray ensuring thorough coverage
    500-750 mL/ha
    (202-303 mL/ac.)
    Root And Tuber Vegetables – Tuberous And Corm Vegetables (Crop Subgroup 1C)
    Colorado Potato Beetle
    Apply as a directed foliar spray ensuring thorough coverage
    750-1000 mL/ha
    (303-405 mL/ac.)
    Tree Nuts (Crop Group 14-11)
    Apply as a directed foliar spray ensuring thorough coverage
    500-750 mL/ha
    (202-303 mL/ac.)


    • 1Certain varieties of muskmelon have been shown to be sensitive to foliar application of Sivanto Prime insecticide potentially resulting in significant leaf necrosis. Do not make foliar applications of Sivanto Prime insecticide on muskmelon.

    Do not use Sivanto Prime as a foliar spray targeting Colorado potato beetle if a Group 4 insecticide was used as a seed treatment or at planting
    Oil when mixed with Sivanto Prime insecticide may cause fruit injury to certain varieties of pears, particularly d’Anjou and other sensitive varieties, when used alone or when other products are applied sequentially. The Directions for Use and Precautions on oil labels, as well as precautions in official Spray Guides, should be followed carefully when using oil as an adjuvant. Certain conditions, including but not limited to, application when temperatures are expected to exceed 30 C within 24 hours of application may result in fruit injury after the use of oil. See label for more details.
    Certain varieties of muskmelon have been shown to be sensitive to foliar application of Sivanto Prime insecticide potentially resulting in significant leaf necrosis. Do not make foliar applications of Sivanto Prime Insecticide on muskmelon.
    Avoid application of Sivanto Prime during the crop blooming period. If applications must be made during the crop blooming period, restrict applications to the evening when most bees are not foraging.
    Sivanto Prime belongs to the chemical subgroup 4D. The cross-resistance potential between subgroups (i.e. 4A, B and C) is higher than that between different groups, so rotation between subgroups should be avoided where possible
    Registered for aerial application in root and tuber vegetables (Crop subgroups 1-B and 1-C), legume vegetables (Crop group 6) and corn

    Alfalfa (forage, silage and hay production only)
    7 days – forage, silage, hay cutting
    12 hours
    Berry and small fruit – bushberry (except highbush cranberry)
    (Crop Subgroup 13-07B)
    3 days
    12 hours
    Berry and small fruit – small fruit vine climbing, except fuzzy kiwifruit
    (Crop Subgroup 13-07F)
    Foliar application 0 days
    Soil application 30 days
    12 hours
    Berry and small fruit – low growing berry (except cranberry and lowbush blueberry)
    (Crop Subgroup 13-07G)
    0 days
    12 hours
    Brassica head and stem vegetables
    (Crop Group 5-13)
    1 day
    12 hours
    Corn (field, sweet, pop, seed)
    7 days – Sweet corn, forage, silage, hay cutting
    21 days - Grain, stover
    12 hours
    Cucurbit vegetables
    (Crop Group 9)
    Foliar 1 day
    Soil application 21 days
    12 hours
    Fruiting vegetables
    (Crop Group 8-09)
    Foliar 1 day
    Soil or in-furrow application 45 days
    12 hours
    21 days
    12 hours
    Leaf petiole vegetables
    (Crop Group 22-B)
    1 day
    12 hours
    Leafy vegetables
    (Crop Group 4-13)
    1 day
    12 hours
    Legume vegetables (succulent or dried)
    (Crop Group 6)
    7 days – Foliar
    21 days – dry soybean seed
    12 hours
    7 days
    12 hours
    Pome Fruits2
    (Crop Group 11-09)
    14 days
    12 hours
    Stone fruits
    (Crop Group 12-09)
    14 days
    12 hours
    (Crop Subgroup 13-07A)
    0 days
    12 hours
    Root and tuber vegetables – root vegetables (except sugarbeet)
    (Crop Subgroup 1-B)
    7 days
    12 hours
    Root and tuber vegetables – tuberous and corm vegetables
    (Crop Subgroup 1-C)
    7 days
    12 hours
    Tree nuts
    (Crop Group 14-11)
    7 days
    12 hours


    • 2Sivanto Prime mixed with oil may cause fruit injury to certain varieties of pears (e.g. d’Anjou), when used alone or when other products are applied sequentially. Follow precautions on oil labels and spray guides and avoid application when temperatures exceed 30°C within 24 hours of application. See label for more details.

    Hops: Maximum 750 mL/ha (303 mL/ac.)
    per year.
    All other labelled crops: Maximum 2,000 mL/ha (809 mL/ac.) per year.

    1 hour


    Where possible, rotate the use of Sivanto Prime or other Group 4D insecticides with different groups that control the same pests in a field.
    Insecticide use should be based on an IPM program that includes scouting, record keeping, and considers cultural, biological and other chemical control practices.
    Before spraying Sivanto Prime, correctly identify the pest and ensure economic and agronomic thresholds are met as recommended by local provincial or IPM specialists.
    Monitor treated pest populations for resistance development.
    Contact your local extension specialist or certified crop advisors for any additional pesticide resistance-management and/or IPM recommendations for the specific site and pest problems in your area.



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