Brand LogoInsecticide

Decis Prairies

Decis® provides fast, effective control of a broad range of insects in a wide spectrum of environmental conditions and temperatures. Readily tank mixable with a wide variety of leading herbicides.

fs-approved-use: AB, BC, MB, SK


Controls a variety of insects in many crops

Particularly effective on lepidopteran insects (flea beetle, diamondback moth, Bertha armyworm, cutworm and grasshopper)

Fast-acting control

Easy-to-use liquid formulation; pours and mixes easily

Low application rates, less product to handle and fewer containers to dispose of

Registered for both ground and aerial application

Short pre-harvest interval

Safe on crops, regardless of a plant's development stage

Tank-mixable with many leading herbicides

Wide temperature range, unlike many insecticides, Decis provides excellent control even at low temperatures






3 Deltamethrin

Emulsifiable Concentrate

Decis 100 EC - 1.2 L jug (100 g/L)

Decis 100 EC - 4.8 L jug (100 g/L)

Decis 5 EC - 2.4 L Jug (50 g/L)

Decis 5 EC - 9.6 L Jug (50 g/L)






3 Deltamethrin


Emulsifiable Concentrate


Decis 100 EC - 1.2 L jug (100 g/L)

Decis 100 EC - 4.8 L jug (100 g/L)

Decis 5 EC - 2.4 L Jug (50 g/L)

Decis 5 EC - 9.6 L Jug (50 g/L)


Beet webworm

Bertha armyworm

Cabbage seedpod weevil

Clover cutworm



Beet webworm

Bertha armyworm

Cabbage seedpod weevil

Clover cutworm



    Canola, Mustard, Flax
    Bertha Armyworm
    Aerial Apply by air only when larvae are present. Apply when insects are actively feeding. For heavy infestations, use the higher rate.
    30 mL/ac.
    Canola, Mustard, Flax
    Cabbage Seedpod Weevil
    For control of adult weevil only. Apply when adults are seen on flower buds or developing pods. Must apply prior to egg laying. Consult extension experts for economic threshold.
    40 mL/ac.
    Canola, Mustard, Flax
    Apply when larvae are present and feeding. Do not disturb the soil after application. Under severe insect pressure, application should also be made to a 15-metre strip along fencerows around the field. Apply in sufficient water to ensure thorough coverage.
    40 mL/ac.
    Canola, Mustard, Flax
    Clover Cutworm
    Apply when larvae are present and feeding. Do not disturb the soil after application. Apply in sufficient water to ensure thorough coverage.
    30 mL/ac.
    Canola, Mustard, Flax
    Diamondback Moth
    Apply by air only when insects are actively feeding or when Provincial Letters recommend spraying.
    30 mL/ac.
    Canola, Mustard, Flax
    Flea Beetle
    Apply when insects are present. Decis Insecticide controls only those insects present. Application should be made when the beetles are actively feeding. Under severe pressure, application should also be made to a 15-metre strip along fence rows around the field.
    30 mL/ac.
    Canola, Mustard, Flax
    Apply when signs of insect damage are evident and grasshoppers are in the 2-4 nymphal stage. Best control will be achieved when application is made prior to wing development. The higher rate should be used when the proportion of mature and late nymphal stages in the grasshopper population are high and spray penetration is inhibited by dense crop canopy. Under severe insect pressure application should also be made to a 15-metre strip along fence rows around the field.
    30 mL/ac.
    Canola, Mustard, Flax
    Lygus Bugs
    Apply when lygus bugs are seen feeding on the buds, flowers and developing pods. Consult extension experts for economic threshold.
    30 mL/ac.
    Canola, Mustard, Flax
    Swede Midge
    Begin applications when a significant population of adult midge are observed as determined by local monitoring. Under heavy pressure use the higher rate. Thorough coverage is important to obtain optimum efficacy.
    30-40 mL/ac.
    Wheat, Barley, Oats
    GROUND Follow provincial forecast. Apply when insects are present as young hoppers or signs of insect damage are evident. Apply when the Grasshoppers are in the 2-4 nymphal stage. Best control will be achieved when application is made prior to wing development. Under severe insect pressure application should also be made to a 15-metre strip along fence rows around the field. DO NOT APPLY TO UNREGISTERED CROPS. The higher rate should be used when the proportion of mature and late nymphal stages in the population is high and spray penetration is inhibited by dense crop canopy.
    30 mL/ac. in 10 gal. of water per acre.
    Wheat, Barley, Oats
    AERIAL Use as directed and follow special instructions for aerial application in Section 9. Do not make aerial application of tank-mix of Decis 100 EC Insecticide with Buctril M herbicide and Puma Advance herbicide.
    30 mL/ac in 1 - 2 gal. of water per acre
    Wheat, Barley, Oats
    GROUND OR AERIAL Apply when larvae are present and feeding. Do not disturb the soil after application. Under severe insect pressure, application should also be made to a 15-metre strip along fencerows around the field. DO NOT APPLY TO ADJACENT CROPS.
    40 mL/ac.
    Apply when insects are present as young hoppers or signs of insect damage are evident. Apply when the Grasshoppers are in the 2-4 nymphal stage. Best control will be achieved when application is made prior to wing development.
    30 mL/ac.
    Apply when larvae are present and feeding. Do not disturb the soil after application.
    40 mL/ac.
    Lygus Bug
    Apply when the insects are present at economic thresholds
    40 mL/ac.

    Scout your fields often to ensure proper application and timing
    Scouting should take place when insects are actively feeding
    Use sufficient water to ensure thorough coverage. More water may be required when dense foliage is present.
    Decis is one of the safest insecticides on beneficial insects, if spraying is required when bees are present, apply in the evening when bee foraging is minimized. To further minimize exposure to pollinators, refer to the complete guidance “Protecting Pollinators during Pesticide Spraying – Best Management Practices” on the Health Canada website (

    7 days
    Wheat and Barley
    40 days
    31 days
    30 days
    7 days

    Ground: Min. 10 gal./acre
    Air: Min 2 gal./acre


    Alternate the use of Decis with other insecticides having a different mode of action



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