Brand LogoHerbicide


Laudis® herbicide provides exceptional control of annual broadleaf weeds (including glyphosate-resistant biotypes) in field corn, seed corn and sweet corn with excellent crop safety.

fs-approved-use: AB, MB, NB, NL, NS, ON, PE, QC, SK





Excellent post emergence broadleaf control, including tough to control glyphosate-resistant weeds such as Canada fleabane, giant ragweed and waterhemp

Built-in safener for exceptional crop safety on field corn, seed corn and sweet corn types with favorable rotation intervals

Rapid burndown and up to 3 weeks of residual activity at the high rate of 220 mL/ha (89 mL/ac.)

Excellent resistance management tool and tank-mix partner with Pardner® herbicide and Roundup® herbicide brands



Corn (Field, Seed, Sweet)

Broadleaf & Grass Weeds

27 Tembotrione

Suspension Concentrate

3.6 L jug


Corn (Field, Seed, Sweet)


Broadleaf & Grass Weeds


27 Tembotrione


Suspension Concentrate


3.6 L jug


Canada fleabane1

Hairy galinsoga1


Common lamb’s-quarters1

Redroot pigweed1

Wild buckwheat

Giant foxtail

Green foxtail


Canada fleabane1

Hairy galinsoga1


Common lamb’s-quarters1

Redroot pigweed1


Wild buckwheat

Giant foxtail

Green foxtail

Performance Data


    Corn (Field, Seed, Sweet)
    Common Lamb’s-Quarters
    Up to 6 leaf stage
    145 mL/ha
    (59 mL/ac.)
    Includes ALS (Group 2), Synthetic Auxin (Group 4); Photosystem II inhibitors (Group 5); EPSP synthase inhibitors (Group 9), PPO inhibitors (Group 14) resistant biotypes
    Corn (Field, Seed, Sweet)
    Giant Foxtail
    Up to 2 tillers
    146 mL/ha
    (59 mL/ac.)
    Suppression only
    Corn (Field, Seed, Sweet)
    Redroot Pigweed
    Up to 6 leaf stage
    147 mL/ha
    (59 mL/ac.)
    Includes ALS (Group 2), Synthetic Auxin (Group 4); Photosystem II inhibitors (Group 5); EPSP synthase inhibitors (Group 9), PPO inhibitors (Group 14) resistant biotypes
    Corn (Field, Seed, Sweet)
    Up to 6 leaf stage
    148 mL/ha
    (59 mL/ac.)
    Includes ALS (Group 2), Synthetic Auxin (Group 4); Photosystem II inhibitors (Group 5); EPSP synthase inhibitors (Group 9), PPO inhibitors (Group 14) resistant biotypes
    Corn (Field, Seed, Sweet)
    Common Ragweed
    Up to 6 leaf stage
    149 mL/ha
    (59 mL/ac.)
    Includes ALS (Group 2), Synthetic Auxin (Group 4); Photosystem II inhibitors (Group 5); EPSP synthase inhibitors (Group 9), PPO inhibitors (Group 14) resistant biotypes. For glyphosate-resistant biotypes use 220 mL/ha
    Corn (Field, Seed, Sweet)
    Canada Fleabane
    Up to 10cm height/diameter
    220 mL/ha
    (89 mL/ac.)
    Includes ALS (Group 2), Synthetic Auxin (Group 4); Photosystem II inhibitors (Group 5); EPSP synthase inhibitors (Group 9), PPO inhibitors (Group 14) resistant biotypes. For improved control of Canada fleabane – field corn only apply Laudis herbicide in tank mix with one of the dicamba-containing tank mix partners recommended on the label
    Corn (Field, Seed, Sweet)
    Waterhemp (Common, Tall)
    Up to 6 leaf stage
    221 mL/ha
    (89 mL/ac.)
    Includes ALS (Group 2), Synthetic Auxin (Group 4); Photosystem II inhibitors (Group 5); EPSP synthase inhibitors (Group 9), PPO inhibitors (Group 14) resistant biotypes
    Corn (Field, Seed, Sweet)
    Up to 10 cm height
    222 mL/ha
    (89 mL/ac.)
    Includes ALS (Group 2), Synthetic Auxin (Group 4); Photosystem II inhibitors (Group 5); EPSP synthase inhibitors (Group 9), PPO inhibitors (Group 14) resistant biotypes. Use higher rate within the labelled rate range of Laudis herbicide for weed control in dense weed populations or under adverse growing conditions
    Corn (Field, Seed, Sweet)
    Giant Ragweed
    Up to 6 leaf stage
    223 mL/ha
    (89 mL/ac.)
    Includes ALS (Group 2), Synthetic Auxin (Group 4); Photosystem II inhibitors (Group 5); EPSP synthase inhibitors (Group 9), PPO inhibitors (Group 14) resistant biotypes
    Corn (Field, Seed, Sweet)
    Green Foxtail
    Up to 2 tillers
    224 mL/ha
    (89 mL/ac.)
    Suppression only
    Corn (Field, Seed, Sweet)
    Hairy Galinsoga
    Up to 6 leaf stage
    225 mL/ha
    (89 mL/ac.)
    Includes ALS (Group 2), Synthetic Auxin (Group 4); Photosystem II inhibitors (Group 5); EPSP synthase inhibitors (Group 9), PPO inhibitors (Group 14) resistant biotypes
    Corn (Field, Seed, Sweet)
    Volunteer Canola
    Up to 6 leaf stage
    226 mL/ha
    (89 mL/ac.)
    Includes ALS (Group 2), Synthetic Auxin (Group 4); Photosystem II inhibitors (Group 5); EPSP synthase inhibitors (Group 9), PPO inhibitors (Group 14) resistant biotypes. For control of common groundsel (up to the 4 leaf stage) and improved control of volunteer canola apply Laudis herbicide at 220 mL/ha in tank mix with 500 mL/ha of Pardner herbicide. For improved control of volunteer canola and control of wild buckwheat Laudis herbicide may be tank mixed with 1.2 L/ha of AAtrex® Liquid 480 Herbicide. Maximum of one (1) application per season. Apply at the 2 to 5 leaf stage of field and sweet corn.
    Corn (Field, Seed, Sweet)
    Wild Buckwheat
    Up to 6 leaf stage
    227 mL/ha
    (89 mL/ac.)
    Suppression only. For improved control of volunteer canola and control of wild buckwheat Laudis herbicide may be tank mixed with 1.2 L/ha of AAtrex® Liquid 480 Herbicide. Maximum of one (1) application per season. Apply at the 2 to 5 leaf stage of field and sweet corn.

    - For best results, apply to emerged, young, and actively growing weeds
    - Do not apply more than 2 applications of Laudis herbicide to field corn or more than 1 application to sweet corn, per growing season
    - Laudis is to be used in conjunction with a Methylated Seed Oil (MSO) based surfactant or Crop Oil Concentrate (COC) applied at 1% v/v, High Surfactant Oil Concentrate (HSOC) at 0.5-1% v/v or HastenTM Spray Adjuvant applied at 1.75 L/ha
    - Use of a spray-grade liquid nitrogen fertilizer is recommended:
    UAN (28%) at 3.5 L/ha or AMS at 1 kg/ha (99%) or 2 L/ha (49% solution) or 2.5 L/ha (40% solution)
    For ground application:
    - Boom height should be based on the height of the crop – at least 33 centimeters above the crop canopy
    - Apply in a minimum of 100 litres of water per hectare (10 gal./ac.). For weed control in dense weed populations or under adverse growing conditions, 150 to 200 litres of water per hectare (15 to 20 gal./ac.) is recommended.
    - Restricted Entry Interval (REI) is 12 hours
    - Pre-harvest interval: 45 days for grazing and harvested grain or forage
    - If tank-mixing, always respect the maximum pre-harvest/grazing interval stated on the labels of all the tank-mix products.

    45 days
    12 hours
    Do not graze livestock within 45 days of application

    Laudis herbicide can be applied broadcast in a minimum of 100L/ha (10 gal./ac.) of water. For weed control in dense weed populations or under adverse growing conditions, 150 to 200 L/ha (15 to 20 gal./ac.) of water is recommended. Good coverage is essential to achieve optimum weed control.

    2 hours

    For a list of permissible tank-mix partners and mixing order, please refer to the product label.


    Immediate plant back1: Corn (field, seed3, sweet)
    3 -4 months: Wheat (winter), Barley (winter)
    10 months: Alfalfa, Canola2, Corn (field, seed and sweet), Dry beans (except kidney and cranberry), Field peas, Oats, Potatoes, Soybeans, Tomatoes, Wheat (spring)
    22 months: Dry beans (kidney and cranberry)

    • 1 In the event that a corn crop treated with Laudis is lost due to environmental conditions and re-seeding is required, field corn, seed corn and sweet corn may be reseeded immediately
    • 2 Can be planted after a single application of Laudis up to 220 mL/ha per season
    • 3Use of seed corn as an immediate plant back crop and a rotational crop must be approved by the contracting Seed Corn companies and comply with the directions given by the contractor.

    Laudis herbicide contains an active ingredient from Group 27 which helps manage herbicide-resistant weeds. Laudis should be used as part of an integrated pest management system.



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