Brand LogoFungicide

Serenade SOIL

Serenade® SOIL is a biological fungicide that protects against soil diseases like rhizoctonia and pythium and is exempt from tolerances (no MRL or residue concerns) so you can sell your crops into even the most restrictive markets.

fs-approved-use: AB, BC, MB, NB, NS, NT, NU, ON, PE, QC, SK, YK


Serenade® SOIL quickly builds a disease protection zone around the seed that continues to grow with the plant, acting like armour to protect the roots.

Helps activate a plant’s natural defense mechanism, improving root colonization and increasing plant growth

Unique mode of action (FRAC Group BM02) makes for the best defense against the development of resistance

Easily tank-mixed with other products and applied through existing equipment

Application flexibility – can be applied both in-furrow and soil drench

Convenient liquid formulation

May be applied up to and including the day of harvest



Root Vegetables

Garden Beet

Bulb Vegetables

BM02 QST 713 strain of dried Bacillus subtilis

An Aqueous Suspension Biofungicide

9.46 L jugs


Root Vegetables

Garden Beet

Bulb Vegetables


BM02 QST 713 strain of dried Bacillus subtilis


An Aqueous Suspension Biofungicide


9.46 L jugs


Fusarium root rot, wilt and crown rot

Phytophthora blight

Phytophthora root rot and Pink rot

Pythium root rot and Cavity spot

Rhizoctonia damping off and Root rot


Fusarium root rot, wilt and crown rot

Phytophthora blight

Phytophthora root rot and Pink rot

Pythium root rot and Cavity spot

Rhizoctonia damping off and Root rot


    Soil-Borne Rhizoctonia
    4.7-9.35 L/ha (1.9-3.8 L/ac.)
    Pink Root And Fusarium
    9.35 L/ha (3.8 L/ac.)
    All Other Diseases
    4.7-9.35 L/ha (1.9-3.8 L/ac.)

    Surface applications
    Broadcast or band: Apply as a 15 cm band over the top of the seed row or as a broadcast spray after planting. Use higher rates for broadcast applications. Ensure incorporation into the seed zone within 24 hours of applications with rain or overhead irrigation.
    Overhead irrigation: Apply with irrigation water, ensuring uniform coverage of the soil and incorporation of product into the seed zone
    Surface drip irrigation: Apply product with the first irrigation after planting
    Transplant drench
    Apply the finished spray mixture at the optimum rate to thoroughly soak the growing media through the root zone, or as a drench or directed spray using sufficient water to soak the root zone
    In-furrow applications
    Apply as an in-furrow spray with the appropriate amount of water per acre for the crop at planting. Mount the spray nozzle so the spray is directed in the furrow just before the seeds are covered.
    Shanked-in and injected applications
    Product may be shanked-in or injected into the soil prior to, at, or post-planting/transplanting of crops
    Post-planting applications
    May be applied at any crop stage
    Apply the finished spray mixture to the soil as a drench, spray, or drip irrigation, directing it towards the base of the plant to optimize efficacy. When applying as a spray (e.g., via hydraulic nozzles at low volumes), it is important to irrigate in order to move the material into the seed, root or transplant zone.
    Applications may be repeated at 21-28 day intervals to enhance preventative treatments. Shorter intervals are recommended under moderate to high disease pressure.


    FRAC Group BM02 – QST 713 strain of dried Bacillus subtilis
    The beneficial bacteria in Serenade SOIL act as small factories, releasing important secondary metabolites that:
    Suppress soil diseases with lipopeptides that tear holes in fungal cell membranes, yet are extremely safe for plants
    Release anti-bacterial compounds that target bacterial cell walls



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