Brand LogoFungicide


Scala® is a systemic fungicide for control of botrytis in grapes and strawberries, scab in apples and pears, early blight in potatoes and storage diseases in apples (ON and QC only). It provides translaminar and vapour activity to protect both sides of the leaf and expand the protected area. Scala is the only fungicide for grapes proven to significantly reduce laccase in wine, an enzyme produced by botrytis that negatively affects wine quality. It is known as the cool weather fungicide in apples and pears due to its unique ability to perform well in cool spring conditions. Used as a pre-harvest spray, Scala also protects apples in storage from destructive diseases such as botrytis and penicillium. In potatoes, Scala is the only Group 9 fungicide registered for protection against early blight. Scala has a unique mode of action – different than strobilurins – and is registered as a tank mix with Bravo® ZN fungicide to provide two modes of action for stronger resistance management. A new registration for aerial application in potatoes means Scala can now be applied by air as well as ground equipment to control early blight.

fs-approved-use: AB, BC, MB, NB, NL, NS, NT, NU, ON, PE, QC, SK, YK


Use for proven control of botrytis in grapes and strawberries, scabs in apples and pears and more.

Provides protection for both sides of the leaf through translaminar and vapour activity.

Group 9 fungicide – unique to potatoes – great for resistance management

Superior early blight protection

Must be tank-mixed with the labelled rate of Bravo® ZN fungicide

Local systemic activity to protect new growth

Translaminar movement to protect both sides of the leaf






9 Pyrimethanil

400 g/L liquid flowable

2 L jug

6.07 L jug






9 Pyrimethanil


400 g/L liquid flowable


2 L jug

6.07 L jug


Apple scab

Botrytis bunch rot

Botrytis grey mould

Botrytis leaf blight

Early blight

Penicillium storage disease


Apple scab

Botrytis bunch rot

Botrytis grey mould

Botrytis leaf blight

Early blight


Penicillium storage disease


    Apples Pears
    Apply early in the season at 7-12 day intervals, from green tip to petal drop. For scab control, do not apply post-bloom.
    0.75-1.0 L/ha
    Apples (Ontario & Quebec Only)
    Storage Disease Of Botrytis
    Storage Disease Of Penicillium (Suppression)
    Apply 2 weeks before harvest.
    1.5-2.0 L/ha
    Botrytis Bunch Rot
    Begin applications at early bloom if needed then follow with applications from berry touch to bunch closure. An application can also be made from fruit ripening through to harvest during frequent wet conditions (conducive to infection) or when symptoms of infection are evident. Thorough coverage of bunches is essential. Applications must be made a minimum of 7 days apart.
    2.0 L/ha
    Botrytis Grey Mould
    Make first application at the white bud stage (prebloom) and repeat applications as required at 7-10 day intervals.
    2.0 L/ha
    Early Blight
    Apply when plants are 15-20 cm high or when environmental conditions are conducive to disease development. Repeat applications at 7-14 day intervals or as necessary to maintain disease control. If severe disease conditions exist, use the 7 day interval. Minimum spray interval is 7 days. Ensure that the area to be treated is covered uniformly.
    750 mL/ha plus Bravo® ZN fungicide according to label directions

    Thorough coverage of all plant parts to be protected is essential for good disease control. Use sufficient water volume and spray pressure to provide thorough and uniform coverage for optimum disease control.
    Use Scala + Bravo® ZN fungicide where you would normally use a specialty early blight product
    Apply when environmental conditions are conducive to disease development. Repeat applications at 7-14 day intervals or as necessary to maintain disease control. If severe disease conditions exist, use the 7-day interval.

    14 days
    12 hours
    72 days
    12 hours
    Apples for storage
    14 days
    12 hours
    7 days
    12 hours
    Highbush blueberries
    0 days
    12 hours
    Lowbush blueberries
    1 day
    12 hours
    0 days
    12 hours
    1 day
    12 hours
    7 days
    12 hours
    7 days
    12 hours
    Field tomatoes
    1 day
    12 hours

    Refer to product label for maximum number of applications allowed per crop or Crop Group.

    2 hours

    For a list of permissible tank-mix partners and mixing order, please refer to the product label.


    Where possible, rotate the use of Scala or other Group 9 fungicides with different groups that control the same pathogens. Use tank mixtures with fungicides from a different group when such use is permitted.



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