Brand LogoFungicide


Choose Delaro® fungicide, a high-performing fungicide that checks all the boxes for your peas, lentils and soybeans: broad-spectrum, long-lasting disease protection, improved quality and the all-important increase in yield. And don’t forget, you can use Delaro on your cereal crops for comprehensive leaf disease control. Delaro is the trusted choice of pulse farmers in Western Canada. In both high and low disease pressure conditions, Delaro has an outstanding track record. Choose Delaro to help you achieve your best season yet.

fs-approved-use: AB, MB, SK





Delaro combines two highly dynamic and complementary active ingredients – prothioconazole (Group 3) and trifloxystrobin (Group 11) – for dual mode of action to provide quick and long-lasting protection

Proven broad-spectrum, comprehensive, disease control for all major pulse and soybean stem, leaf and pod diseases

Delivers excellent leaf disease control in cereals with optimal timing being at early flag leaf, before the head starts to emerge from the boot



Wheat (Durum, Spring, Winter)



Corn (Field, Popcorn, Seed, Sweet)


3 Prothioconazole
11 Trifloxystrobin


7.1 L jug 113.6 L drum

Pulses: 20 ac.

Soybeans: 30 ac.

Cereals: 30 ac.


Wheat (Durum, Spring, Winter)



Corn (Field, Popcorn, Seed, Sweet)



3 Prothioconazole
11 Trifloxystrobin




7.1 L jug 113.6 L drum

Pulses: 20 ac.

Soybeans: 30 ac.

Cereals: 30 ac.



Ascochyta blight

Asian soybean rust

Brown spot

Chocolate spot

Charcoal rot

White mould (Soybean only)



Ascochyta blight

Asian soybean rust

Brown spot

Chocolate spot


Charcoal rot

White mould (Soybean only)


    Field peas
    Ascochyta blight, grey mould, mycosphaerella blight, white mould
    Begin fungicide applications at the beginning of flowering or at first sign of disease. When disease pressure is high or when agronomic or weather conditions are conducive to disease development, make a second application 10 to 14 days later.
    880 mL/ha (355 mL/ac.)
    May be applied by ground or aerial spray equipment.
    Ascochyta blight, grey mould, white mould
    Begin fungicide applications at the beginning of flowering or at first sign of disease. When disease pressure is high or when agronomic or weather conditions are conducive to disease development, make a second application 10 to 14 days later.
    880 mL/ha (355 mL/ac.)
    May be applied by ground or aerial spray equipment.
    Anthracnose, ascochyta blight, grey mould, white mould
    Begin fungicide applications at the beginning of flowering or at first sign of disease.
    Two Delaro applications can be made sequentially when the target pathogens are unique for each application (for example, target ascochyta with the first application and sclerotinia with the second). When disease pressure is high, use a program approach of Delaro, followed by a second application of Delaro or Proline 10 to 14 days after the first application.
    880 mL/ha (355 mL/ac.)
    May be applied by ground or aerial spray equipment.
    Asian soybean rust, brown spot, chocolate rot (Suppression), eye spot, frogeye leaf spot, phomopsis stem blight, white mould
    Begin fungicide applications preventatively or at the first signs of disease from the beginning of bloom (R1) to the beginning of seed formation (R5), with optimal timing being between mid-bloom (R1.5) and onset of pod formation (R3).
    572 mL/ha (230 mL/ac.)
    May be applied by ground or aerial spray equipment.
    Common rust, eye spot, grey leaf spot, Southern corn rust, Northern corn leaf blight
    Apply between 7 leaf and early tassel, or at the onset of the disease.
    572 mL/ha (230 mL/ac.)
    Do not apply with an adjuvant in corn. May be applied by ground or aerial spray equipment.
    Spring wheat, durum wheat
    Septoria leaf blotch, powdery mildew, tan spot, leaf rust, stem rust, stripe rust
    For optimum control of foliar diseases, apply at the very early stages of disease development, from 4 leaf to flag leaf, but prior to head emergence
    Complete a follow-up application with Prosaro® PRO at heading for fusarium head-blight protection and comprehensive foliar disease management. Once the head has started to emerge from the boot avoid application of Delaro fungicide. Switch to Prosaro PRO fungicide.
    572 mL/ha (230 mL/ac.)
    May be applied by ground or aerial spray equipment.
    Winter wheat
    Septoria leaf blotch, powdery mildew, tan spot, leaf rust, stem rust, stripe rust
    Typically, one application from the tillering up to flag leaf emergence is required. A second application may be made if needed.
    440 – 572 mL/ha (177 – 230 mL/ac.)
    May be applied by ground or aerial spray equipment.
    Net blotch, scald, leaf rust, stem rust, stripe rust, powdery mildew
    For optimum control of foliar diseases, apply at the very early stages of disease development, from 4 leaf to flag leaf, but prior to head emergence
    Complete a follow-up application with Prosaro® PRO at heading for fusarium head-blight protection and comprehensive foliar disease management. Once the head has started to emerge from the boot avoid application of Delaro fungicide. Switch to Prosaro PRO fungicide.
    572 mL/ha (230 mL/ac.)
    May be applied by ground or aerial spray equipment.
    Crown rust, leaf blotch, stem rust
    For optimum control of foliar diseases, apply at the very early stages of disease development, from 4 leaf to flag leaf, but prior to head emergence
    Complete a follow-up application with Prosaro® PRO at heading for fusarium head-blight protection and comprehensive foliar disease management. Once the head has started to emerge from the boot avoid application of Delaro fungicide. Switch to Prosaro PRO fungicide.
    572 mL/ha (230 mL/ac.)
    May be applied by ground or aerial spray equipment.

    Corn (field, popcorn)
    30 days
    12 days
    Corn (sweet)
    14 days
    24 hours
    Barley, oats, wheat (spring, durum)
    45 days
    24 hours
    30 days of cutting for forage or grazing
    45 days of harvest for grain, straw and hay
    Dry pea, faba bean, chickpea, lentils
    30 days
    24 hours
    7 days of cutting for forage
    30 days of harvest of seed
    20 days
    24 hours

    Wheat (spring, durum), barley, oats: Maximum 1 application per crop year.
    Dry peas, chickpeas, lentils, soybeans, corn, wheat (winter): Maximum 2 applications per crop year.

    Ground: minimum of 10 US gallons/ac. (94 L/ha).
    Aerial: minimum of 5 US gallons/ac. (47 L/ha).

    1 hour


    Treated areas may be replanted with any crop specified on this label, including flax and sugarbeet, as soon as practical after the last application. For crops not listed on this label, do not plant back within 30 days of last application.

    Store this product away from food or feed. Keep away from direct sunlight. Keep away from fire or open flame or other sources of heat. Do not store at temperatures below freezing. If stored for 1 year or longer, shake well before using. Store the tightly closed container away from feeds, seeds, fertilizer, plants and foodstuffs. Do not use or store in or around the home. Keep in original container during storage.

    Where possible, rotate the use of Delaro fungicide or other Group 3 and 11 fungicides with different groups that control the same pathogens

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