Brand LogoHerbicide


Pardner® herbicide is registered as a pre-seed, tank-mix partner with glyphosate for control of resistant volunteer canola. Plus it protects from 28 broadleaf weeds, even if they have resistance to other herbicide groups, like Group 9- and 2-resistant kochia.

Approved for use in: AB, BC, MB, NB, NL, NS, NT, NU, ON, PE, QC, SK, YK


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Product Highlights

Excellent tool to manage Group 2-resistant weeds.

Increased control of troublesome broadleaf weeds like wild buckwheat and Group 9-resistant kochia.

No re-cropping restrictions.

Excellent crop safety.

Wide window of application.

Ensures your canola crop gets off to a good start and maximizes yield potential.

Registered for use on various crops and forage grasses (consult label for application timing and rates)

Product Details

CropsCategoryGroups & Active ingredientsFormulation TypePackaging



Corn (Field, Sweet)


6 Bromoxynil

Liquid-Emulsifiable Concentrate

8 L jug = 20 ac.

128 L bulk shuttle = 320 ac.




Corn (Field, Sweet)



Groups & Active ingredients

6 Bromoxynil

Formulation Type

Liquid-Emulsifiable Concentrate


8 L jug = 20 ac.

128 L bulk shuttle = 320 ac.

Weeds Controlled


Common buckwheat

Tartary buckwheat

Wild buckwheat


Weeds Controlled


Common buckwheat

Tartary buckwheat

Wild buckwheat


Performance Data

Use & Mixing

Use & Mixing
    Pre-Seed Canola Crop
    Please refer to label for complete list of weeds controlled and suppressed.
    1 to 4 leaf stage
    400 mL - 500 mL/ac.
    Please refer to label for complete list of weeds controlled and suppressed.
    Can be treated from the 4 leaf stage onward
    0.4 to 0.48 L/ac. (20 to 16.5 ac./jug)
    Wheat (Spring, Durum, Winter)
    Please refer to label for complete list of weeds controlled and suppressed.
    Can be treated from the 2 leaf until early flag leaf stage when applied alone
    0.4 to 0.48 L/ac. (20 to 16.5 ac./jug)
    Barley And Oats
    Please refer to label for complete list of weeds controlled and suppressed.
    Can be treated from the 2 leaf until early flag leaf stage when applied alone
    0.4 to 0.48 L/ac. (20 to 16.5 ac./jug)
    Please refer to label for complete list of weeds controlled and suppressed.
    2 to 6 trifoliate leaf stage
    0.4 to 0.48 L/ac. (20 to 16.5 ac./jug)

    Pre-seed only:
    Under adverse growing conditions or extreme weed pressure, the higher labelled rate and higher water volumes are recommended to improve control
    Allow 1 day after application before tillage/seeding
    Volunteer canola controlled only In pre-seed canola glyphosate tank mix application.
    Alfalfa and Cereal Crop Application Tips:
    Spray coverage on weeds is very important. Always travel at the proper speed.
    Since Pardner is a contact herbicide, use nozzles designed to achieve a medium to coarse droplet size (approximately 250 to 350 microns). Avoid larger, higher-output nozzles that increase the droplet size (greater than 350 microns) because it can potentially reduce weed control from inadequate weed coverage.

    Pre-harvest IntervalGrazing/Feeding interval
    30 days
    30 days

    BC, AB, SK, MB: Minimum of 10 gal./ac. (94 L/ha)
    ON, QC, NB, NS, NFLD, PEI: Minimum of 15 gal./ac. (140 L/ha)

    1 hour

    For a list of permissible tank-mix partners and mixing order, please refer to the product label.


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