Spring Sprayer Checklist

April 22, 2022

Have you greased, filled, fixed, checked, adjusted, replaced, flushed, and calibrated your sprayer to the max? The seven-category Spring Sprayer Cleaning Checklist has these tasks laid out to improve sprayer accuracy and precision this spring season. Examining nozzle output and overlap now helps spraying season roll out with an effective start, and pest control is the bottom line.

  1. Work around sprayers in a safe manner always using proper personal protective clothing and equipment.
  2. Perform a visual inspection and general maintenance.
    • Look for any loose bolts, worn parts, or cracks and fix these first.
    • Grease all fittings so joints are properly lubricated.
    • Make sure machine fluids are at the proper level.
    • Make sure filters are clean and in good condition.
    • Make sure tires are in good operating condition and properly inflated.
    • Consult owner’s manual for checklist and specifications to evaluate during this process.

  3. Clean the sprayer and tank before filling with water to prevent dust, dirt, or other particles from flushing through the pump and nozzles. A vacuum or shop-vac with a long hose could be used for the cleaning.

  4. Check engine, pump, and nozzles.
    • Flush out any anti-freeze liquid.
    • Remove nozzles and clean nozzle strainers of any built-up debris.
    • Consider the products that will be sprayed and refer to product labels for any specific nozzle specifications.

  5. Evaluate nozzle performance.
    • Run the sprayer with water and identify any worn, plugged, or damaged nozzles.
    • Replace nozzles as necessary and examine nozzle alignment on the boom.
    • Adjust nozzle holders or mounts as necessary.
    • Fill tank again with clean water and check nozzle flow rates.
    • Replace any spray nozzles that are spraying more or less than 10% of the targeted output.

  6. Check solution plumbing while running water through the sprayer.
    • Make sure the machine’s plumbing and all strainers are clean.
    • Check all hoses and replace any that are worn.
    • Make sure there are no kinked or sagging hoses and tie up any loose hoses.
    • Check and re-calibrate the flowmeter.
    • Check for any evidence of leaks in the system.

  7. Do a test run in the field using clean water and make sure the sprayer is properly calibrated to deliver recommended volumes and application rates.


Bergman, R. 2020. Sprayer maintenance tips for spring. Iowa State University Integrated Crop Management. https://crops.extension.iastate.edu. Verified 4/1/2020.

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ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Performance may vary, from location to location and from year to year, as local growing, soil and weather conditions may vary. Growers should evaluate data from multiple locations and years whenever possible and should consider the impacts of these conditions on the grower’s fields. ©2022 Bayer Group. All rights reserved.


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