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Early Weed Removal

Early Weed Removal

Early Weeds

When it comes to weeds, the earlier you remove them, the better. The early season is a time when emerging cereal crops are at their most vulnerable and when weeds have the greatest negative impact on your yield. When you wait to apply a herbicide, early-emerging weeds become firmly entrenched and out-compete your crop for available resources. The longer you wait, the worse it becomes for the overall quality and yield potential of your crop. This early season stage is the most important time to control weeds and give your crops the best opportunity for success.

According to Agriculture Canada, the best yield results in cereal crops are achieved by maintaining a weed-free field during the 1 - 4 leaf stage. Bayer offers a wide portfolio of cereal herbicides that have been specifically engineered for early weed removal and will provide the best yield benefit for your crop when applied early.

Early application with Varro® and other herbicides offers up to 10% in yield increase* over late application and optimizes weed control. Smaller, actively growing weeds absorb herbicides much faster, making them easier to control, which means less trouble later in the season.

For more information on our any of our Early Weed Removal solutions, check out the Cereal Herbicide Page.
*Source: 2015 Market Development Demonstration Strip Trials, 3 replicated trials, 6 different treatments: Varro® or Simplicity® or Everest® + Pixarro™ or Paradigm™