0.5 – 2.8 L/ha (379 mL/ac.)
*Specific Soil Application Methods and Instructions
1. Soil Surface Applications:
Broadcast or band: Apply as a 15-cm band over the top of the seed row or as a broadcast spray after planting. Use higher rates for broadcast applications. Ensure incorporation into the seed zone within 24 hours of applications with rain or overhead irrigation.
Overhead irrigation: Apply with irrigation water, ensuring uniform coverage of the soil and incorporation of product into the seed zone.
Surface drip irrigation: Apply product with the first irrigation after planting.
2. Transplant Drench:
Apply finished spray mixture, at a rate to thoroughly soak the growing media, through the root zone or as a drench or directed spray using sufficient water to soak the root zone.
3. In-Furrow Applications:
Apply as an in-furrow spray in the appropriate amount of water per hectare for the crop at planting. Mount the spray nozzle so the spray is directed in the furrow just before the seeds are covered.
4. Shanked-In and Injected Applications:
Product can be shanked-in or injected into the soil prior to, at or post-planting/transplanting of crops.
5. Post-Planting Applications at Any Crop Stage:
Apply the finished spray mixture to the soil as a drench, spray or drip irrigation, directing it towards the base of the plant to optimize efficacy. When applying as a spray (e.g., via hydraulic nozzles at low volumes), it is important to irrigate so as to move the product into the seed, root or transplant zone. Applications may be repeated at 21-28 day intervals to enhance preventive treatments. The shorter interval is recommended under moderate to high disease pressure.
Restricted Entry Interval:
Do not enter or allow worker entry into treated areas for 4 hours or until sprays have settled unless wearing long-sleeved shirt, long pants, socks with shoes and waterproof gloves. If the product is soil-injected, soil-incorporated or applied in-furrow, workers may enter the treated area without restrictions if there will be no contact with anything that has been treated.