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Control foxtail barley. Get back to what you love.



Break the cycle of Foxtail barley

Tank mixing Olympus® herbicide with your pre-seed Roundup® application and following it with an in-season application of Varro® or Velocity m3 herbicide provides exceptional control of flushing foxtail barley, downy and Japanese brome in your wheat.

Additionally, you get enhanced control of wild oats, and volunteer canola and many of your other toughest weeds, ultimately providing your crop with unrestricted access to the nutrients and resources it needs to flourish.


Product Summary


Product Type

  • Herbicide


  • Durum Wheat
  • Spring Wheat
  • Winter Wheat


  • Broadleaf & Grass Weeds
Weeds Surpressed

Weeds Controlled (Top 6)

  • Foxtail Barley
  • Downy Brome
  • Japanese Brome
Groups and Active Ingredients

Groups and Active Ingredients

  • Propoxycarbazone-Sodium Group 2
Formulation Type

Formulation Type

  • Soluable Granule


  • 1 bottle = 80 acres

Key Product Points

  • Provides exceptional, season-long control of foxtail barley and other tough to control weeds.
  • Get the weed control you need, even in cooler conditions, with no-recropping restrictions.

Olympus Advantage

Features and Benefits

  • When used systematically with Roundup as a pre-seed application and followed by Varro or Velocity m3 in-season, the Olympus System provides unbeatable control of flushing foxtail barley, downy and Japanese bromes and other problematic grass and broadleaf weeds
  • Freedom to rotate back to sensitive pulse crops
  • Group 2 booster – Use the Olympus System and get best in class wild oat control
  • Allows you to keep no-till and direct seeding as part of your crop management plan

How the Olympus System Works

How Does the Olympus System Work?

The Olympus System: Features & Benefits

How It Works

Step 1 – Start with a clean field

How the Olympus herbicide system works: Step 1, start with a clean field and apply pre-seed application of tank-mix Roundup and Olympus herbicides

Tank-mix Roundup + Olympus, apply pre-seed application

Step 2 – Seed your wheat crop

How the Olympus herbicide system works: Step 2, seed your wheat crop. Olympus has residual activity on flushing foxtail barley, Japanese and downy bromes, wild oats and volunteer canola

Olympus has residual activity on flushing foxtail barley, Japanese and downy bromes, wild oats and volunteer canola

Step 3 – In-crop application

In-crop application of Velocity m3 or Varro herbicide for best control of foxtail barley, wild oats, Japanese and downy bromes

How the Olympus herbicide system works: Step 3, in-crop application of Velocity m3 or Varro herbicide for best control of foxtail barley, wild oats, Japanese and downy bromes. The group 2 active ingredient, Thiencarbazone, has activity on these key weeds and when you combine the 1-2 punch with Olympus providing season-long control

Thiencarbazone has activity on these key weeds and when you combine the 1-2 punch with Olympus and thiencarbazone, you get season-long control

The Olympus System vs. the Competition

Enhanced control of difficult weeds

Control of foxtail barley, wild oats, Japanese brome, and downy brome using Olympus herbicide system with Roundup followed by Varro

Source: 9 (Japanese brome), 5 (downy brome) and 4 (wild oats) Bayer product development trials.
Your results may vary according to agronomic, environmental and pest pressure variables.

Olympus System Activity on Foxtail Barley

Untreated foxtail barley


Foxtail barley treated with Roundup herbicide


Foxtail barley treated with Varro herbicide


Foxtail barley treated with Olympus and Roundup herbicides

Olympus + Roundup

Foxtail barley treated with Olympus and Roundup herbicides followed by Varro herbicides

Olympus + Roundup followed by Varro

Active Ingredients

Group 2
Group 2


Cereals Icon

Wheat, Durum
Wheat, Spring
Wheat, Winter

Weeds Controlled

Weeds with Residual Control

The Olympus System has residual control on the following weeds*

  • Downy brome
  • Foxtail barley
  • Japanese brome
  • Volunteer Canola
  • Wild oats

*When tank mixed with Roundup at 900 gr./ha

Approved Tank Mixes

Pre-Seed In Crop Herbicide
Olympus + Roundup® tank mixed with Velocity Varro®
Heat® LQ Check Check
BlackHawk® Check Check
Goldwing® Check Check
MCPA Ester® Check Check
2,4-D Ester® Check Check

Broadleaf tank mix partners must be using alternative mode(s) of action than a Group 2

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Get the Max from your Tank Mix

Our tank mix tool can help you find the best tank mix partner for the Bayer herbicide you’re using.
Tank Mix Tool

Application Tips

Registered application rate: ~6gm/ac of Olympus (1 bottle treats 80 acres) + 450-900 g a.e./ha of Roundup

Crops/Application Timing
Herbicide can be applied up to one week prior to planting spring, durum and winter wheat, or immediately after planting but prior to crop emergence. DO NOT apply to crops under sown with legume species.

Water Volumes
Ground Minimum of 46.8 L/ha (5 gal/ac.)
Aerial Minimum of 28.1 L/ha (3 gal/ac.)

Rainfast four hours after application

Residue and Grazing
DO NOT harvest wheat for grain or straw within 71 days of application. If tank mixing, always respect the maximum pre-harvest interval stated on the labels of all the tank mix products

Sprayer Cleanup

Before and after using Olympus herbicide, always complete a thorough cleaning of the spray tank, lines and filters. The following procedures are recommended:

  1. Drain the tank completely, and then wash out tank, boom and hoses with clean water. Drain again.
  2. Half fill the tank with clean water and add ammonia (i.e., 3% domestic ammonia solution) at a dilution rate of 1% (i.e., 1 Lof domestic ammonia for every 100 L of rinsate). Complete filling of the tank with water. Agitate/recirculate and flush through boom and hoses. Leave agitation on for 10 minutes. Drain tank completely.
  3. Repeat step 2.
  4. Remove nozzles and screens and soak them in a 1% ammonia solution. Inspect nozzles and screens and remove visible residues.
  5. Flush tank, boom, and hoses with clean water.
  6. Inspect tank for visible residues. If present, repeat step 2.
  7. Dispose of rinsing in accordance with provincial regulations.

Related Products

Varro herbicide With its powerful ability to win the battle against wild oats, including Group 1-resistant biotypes and other grass weeds. Plus Varro® is much more than a solo act – it contains a "broadleaf booster", which will enhance the performance of all broadleaf herbicides.
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Velocity m3 herbicide Don’t be fooled by the complex combination of three different modes of action (Groups 27, 6 and 2), because all you really need to know about Velocity m3 herbicide is that it simply works.
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