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The most trusted cereal fungicide brand1

Prosaro for Cereals

The Prosaro® brand has been trusted by growers like you for over a decade to protect your cereal crop from yield-robbing diseases. And now, you have two trustworthy products to choose from in Prosaro® XTR and Prosaro® PRO fungicides.

Cereal crop icon

Prosaro XTR has the formulation you’ve trusted for years, with the enhancement of mefenpyr-diethyl to help plants metabolize stressors faster, resulting in higher yields. Prosaro PRO sets a new standard in crop protection with ergot suppression and provides exceptional protection in high disease situations. When you want to give your cereal crop the protection it deserves, reach for a Prosaro fungicide.


Both Prosaro XTR and Prosaro PRO fungicides feature the proven defense of prothioconazole and tebuconazole (Group 3), with Prosaro PRO featuring the added protection of fluopyram (Group 7). Both options provide exceptional yields and unparalleled disease protection from the fungicide brand you trust.

1 2020 BPI Report Cereal Fungicides

Prosaro Products

Prosaro XTR logo
Cereal crop icon
Groups and Active Ingredients:
Diseases Controlled:

Rusts (leaf, stripe, stem)
Blotch (glume, leaf, net, spot)
Tan Spot
Powdery Mildew

Diseases Suppressed:

Fusarium head blight

  • Preventative and curative disease protection in wheat, barley and oats
  • The enhancement of mefenpyr-diethyl helps plants metabolize stressors faster, resulting in higher yields
Prosaro PRO logo
Cereal crop icon
Groups and Active Ingredients:
Diseases Controlled:

Blotch (glume, leaf, net, spot)
Powdery Mildew
Rusts (leaf, stem, stripe)
Tan spot

Diseases Suppressed:

Fusarium head blight

  • Delivers exceptional protection from fusarium head blight (FHB) and reduces deoxynivalenol (DON)
  • The first foliar fungicide registered in Canada with ergot on the label

Product Performance

In cases of higher than average disease pressure, Prosaro PRO performs exceptionally.

Prosaro PRO vs. Prosaro XTR Performance
Medium – High Disease pressure at Head timing (T3)

Yield (bu./ac.)
40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
Prosaro XTR
+6.1 bu.
Prosaro PRO
+7.4 bu.

Source: 8 Bayer Crop Science Internal Trials (2020)
Your results may vary according to agronomic, environmental and pest pressure variables.

Cereals crop field up close Cereals crop field up close

Wheat and Barley Head timing Guides

Need a visual on what the optimal spray timing window looks like for your cereal fungicide application? These guides provide a look at spray timing in wheat and barley from the start of spray window to optimal + up to 5 days.

Open PDF
It’s Grow Time logo overlaying a farmer fixing equipment by hand up close

No matter what crop you’re growing, our full line of Bayer fungicides are ready to help you maximize yield and disease protection. Find out more information on our full lineup including new innovations for the upcoming season.

See Full Fungicide Lineup

Not sure which
fungicide to use?

Harvester in the wheat field working at night

Not sure which Bayer fungicide is the right choice for your farm? Use our fungicide selection tool to help narrow it down to the perfect fit.

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Fungicide DST Map

Fungicide trial results displayed on a mobile and laptop devices

We’ve been running fungicide trials alongside growers like you for over a decade. You could say we know a thing or two. See how our products perform in your area with our trial map.

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We put our money where your crops are. It’s as simple as this: If an eligible Bayer fungicide has a lower return on investment (ROI) than an eligible competitor fungicide under the terms of the 2021 Bayer Fungicide ROI Guarantee Program, Bayer will rebate the ROI difference on up to 160 acres to eligible participants2. Potential participants must have an active Climate FieldView™ software platform subscription.


2 Participation is limited and in the discretion of Bayer

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