Look to seeds for disease control
A good defense against disease starts with quality seed. Testing for seed-borne diseases such as ascochtya, botrytis and
fusarium is a great start to a successful disease management plan. Using a seed treatment will help keep these diseases
and others like downy mildew in check. And the right fungicide applied at the right time will provide protection against
destructive foliar diseases such as bacterial blight. The practice of extended crop rotations will go a long way to lower
the number of spores in the soil and help minimize the risk of serious disease.

Trilex EverGol is next level seed treatment for your field pea crop. With three powerful actives, you get outstanding protection from disease including rhizoctonia, botrytis and asochyta.
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Get complete protection for your field peas with New Trilex EverGol SHIELD fungicide and insecticide seed treatment. From rhizoctonia, ascochyta, pythium, fusarium and botrytis to controlling wireworm and pea leaf weevil.
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Delaro continues to set the standard for time tested, long lasting, broad-spectrum disease protection for your field pea crop.
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Successful field pea crop needs good weed management
Maintaining good fertility is an important aspect to effective weed management. This helps maximize vigour and the ability
of field peas to compete with weeds. Controlling grassy weeds like wild oats and green foxtail can be achieved with an
in-crop application of an effective herbicide. Broadleaf weeds such as wild buckwheat, chickweed, cleavers, hemp nettle,
Canada thistle and sow thistles are best managed with a herbicide application in crop rotation. This will help avoid heavy
broadleaf populations in subsequent crops of field peas.
Put the pressure on insects
Insects are most likely to damage field peas early on in the growth cycle. That’s why it’s important to scout for cutworms,
pea leaf weevil and grasshoppers from the time of emergence until a few weeks later. As a preventative measure, a seed
treatment can help keep insect pressure to a minimum. And an insecticide application will help keep that pressure low,
including late season infestations of pea aphids, until crops are ready to harvest.