Canada’s grape industry has been transformed in recent decades as new varieties have slowly replaced native plants. These new varieties have allowed the wine industry to flourish, primarily in the warmer climates of Southern Ontario and British Columbia. Grape production in vineyards accounts for 80 percent of the annual grape production in Canada, with the rest used for juice and fresh fruit. As the industry matures, more crop protection products are being developed and registered to manage diseases and pests specific to Canada’s growing regions.

Alion® herbicide provides season-long control of annual grassy and broadleaf weeds, including control of glyphosate, triazine and ALS-resistant broadleaf weeds in your vineyard.
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Resistance management through fungicide rotation
The warm, damp weather where disease thrives is common in Canada’s grape growing regions, meaning disease is always a threat. Botrytis appears across Canada, and is harmful to vintners as it affects the color, taste and aroma of the wine. Powdery mildew attacks the leaves, and by developing rapidly can cause damage through to harvest. Because foliar fungicide control is an important tool for growers, resistance management is key. Recently, several new multiple mode of action products have been registered for use on grapes as a resistance management tool.

Luna Tranquility® fungicide provides unprecedented preventative and systemic disease control in an all-in-one formulation with two fungicide Groups (Group 7 and 9) to control both powdery mildew and botrytis in grapes.
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PriwenTM fungicide provides Canadian wine grape growers with a new Group 5 mode of action for reliable protection from powdery mildew, even resistant strains.
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Scout from bud break to harvest to control insects
For insect control, scouting once, or even twice a week will help determine optimal timing for insecticide application. Some common insects on grapes include mealybugs, which can be found on all parts of the plant and have more than 300 species in North America. Phylloxera is very common but only high infestations are problematic. Mites such as the European red mite and McDaniel spider mite can replicate six to eight times in a season so insecticide application should be carefully timed to reduce the risk of resistance development.

Movento® insecticide provides two-way systemic action and strong residual control of whiteflies, mealybugs and phylloxera as well as suppression of lecanium scale in grapes.
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SivantoTM Prime insecticide precisely targets key damaging pests like leafhoppers in grapes, while at the same time having a favourable safety profile for many beneficial insects.
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