A two-pronged disease control plan
Annual Canadian plantings of sweet and sour cherries total about 2,700 hectares with a combined production of about 17,500 tonnes. And with a total value of approximately $35 million, disease prevention and management is high on the list for cherry growers. Fungicide application along with scouting, proper tree pruning and the complete disposal of infected branches are all important practices for controlling diseases such as brown rot, black knot and powdery mildew.
Always important to suppress weeds
Controlling weeds like cocklebur and other orchard weeds with a strong residual herbicide will help with harvesting efficiencies and reducing the weed seed bank for subsequent seasons. And, since insect and disease often find a home in weeds beneath or near trees, proper weed control will often reduce pest pressure.
Insect control starts with a keen eye
Wherever there are cherry trees, there are sure to be destructive insects waiting for their opportunity to feast. Scouting is always the best method to determine insect pressure, species and the most effective course of action. Selecting the right insecticide and applying at it the right time can control common yet harmful insects such as fruit flies, leafrollers and Black Cherry aphids.

Movento® insecticide provides two-way systemic action and strong residual control of aphids, whiteflies, mealybugs, San Jose scale and white peach scale in cherries.
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