Combination of practices keep diseases at bay
Apples are Canada’s number one fruit crop both in terms of production volume and economics. As such, growers make great efforts to thwart the infestation and spread of diseases like apple leaf scab and powdery mildew. Cultural practices such as scouting, pruning, culling and planting barrier crops provide the first line of defence. And with the growing resistance to fungicides, growers are often tank mixing two or more fungicides or using a fungicide that’s been co-formulated to provide two modes of action.
Research and development is being done to provide growers with unique products within a group. These fungicides work slightly differently which allows them to be effective even though other products within the same group are showing reduced sensitivity or outright resistance. Fungicide rotation and detailed record keeping should also be part of a grower’s resistance management strategy.

Luna Tranquility® fungicide provides unprecedented preventative and systemic disease control in an all-in-one formulation with two fungicide Groups (Group 7 and 9) to control leaf scab and protect against powdery mildew in apples.
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Weed suppression critical at key times
Reducing the weed competition during the critical weed-free periods of crop development can have a significant effect in achieving optimum apple yields. Controlling weeds outside the critical weed-free period will also help with harvest efficiencies and reduce the weed seed bank. Season-long weed suppression and management can be best achieved with a strong residual action herbicide.

Alion® herbicide provides season-long control of annual grassy and broadleaf weeds, including control of glyphosate, triazine and ALS-resistant broadleaf weeds in your orchard.
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Control insects with the right treatment at the right time
Scouting and preventative action are an apple grower’s best defence against the onslaught of destructive insects and pests. Walking the orchard and determining the threshold level of insects such as the codling moth, oblique banded leafroller, aphids and other leafrollers is critical to making the decision of which pesticide to use and when to use it. A preventative treatment of an insecticide can help manage the growing invasion of the Japanese beetle.

Movento® insecticide provides two-way systemic action and strong residual control of aphids, whiteflies, mealybugs, pear psylla and San Jose scale in apples.
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SivantoTM Prime insecticide precisely targets key damaging pests like aphids, leafhoppers, oystershell scale, pear psylla and San Jose Scale in apples while at the same time having a favourable safety profile for many beneficial insects.
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