Brand LogoHerbicide


Sencor® is a proven broad-spectrum herbicide registered for broadleaf weed control in a wide range of crops, most notably chickpeas, field peas, lentils and potatoes. Because of its Group 5 mode of action, Sencor helps manage and prevent Group 2-resistant broadleaf weeds including hemp-nettle, chickweed and wild mustard. A program utilizing both Edge®and Sencor can help manage weeds such as kochia and their Group 2- and 9-resistant biotypes. Sencor also provides control for all herbicide-tolerant volunteer canola and its convenient packaging means no triple rinsing or jugs to return. Sencor provides a great alternative to Group 2 products that are used heavily in pulses and helps prevent Group 2-resistant broadleaf weeds in a heavy pulse rotation.

fs-approved-use: AB, BC, MB, NB, NL, NS, NT, NU, ON, PE, QC, SK, YK


Sencor® is a proven performer and when it comes to broad-spectrum weed control, it's reliable and cost-effective

The only post-emergent broadleaf weed control product registered in lentils, field peas and chickpeas

Residual activity provides control of flushing weeds

Convenient packaging means no triple rinsing or jugs to return

Sencor is a Group 5 herbicide that helps manage and prevent Group 2-resistant broadleaf weeds including, hemp-nettle, chickweed and wild mustard

Sencor provides a unique non-Group 2 broadleaf weed solution for your pulse crop

When used in a program with Edge®, the combination will help manage weeds such as kochia (resistant to Group 2 and 9 herbicides)

Controls all herbicide-tolerant volunteer canola





Wheat (Durum, Spring, Winter)

Broadleaf & Grass Weeds

5 Metribuzin

Dry Flowable and Liquid

5 L jug = 5.5 - 14.5 ac.

2.5 kg bag = 4 - 11 ac. as DF formulation




Wheat (Durum, Spring, Winter)


Broadleaf & Grass Weeds


5 Metribuzin


Dry Flowable and Liquid


5 L jug = 5.5 - 14.5 ac.

2.5 kg bag = 4 - 11 ac. as DF formulation


Ball mustard1

Tartary buckwheat1


Corn spurry1



Ball mustard1

Tartary buckwheat1


Corn spurry1



    Please refer to label for complete list of weeds controlled and suppressed.
    For lentils apply first application from cotyledon to the 2 leaf weed stage, with the second application when the second flush appears. Allow seven to 10 days between first and second application. Apply first application at a rate of 77 g/ac. and the second application at a rate of 55-77 g/ac.
    For best results, apply Sencor when lentil vines are less than 6 in. long or are in the 3 to 5 node stage
    Plant at a seed depth of 2 in. to decrease the risk of product leaching into the root zone; larger seeded lentils are less prone to injury than smaller seeded lentils (e.g., Laird vs. Milestone)
    Single application a 2.5 kg bag treats 22.5 acres at a rate of 111 g/ac.
    Split application a 2.5 kg bag treats 32-44 acres at a rate of 57-77 g/ac.
    Chickpeas (Desi & Kabuli Types Only)
    Please refer to label for complete list of weeds controlled and suppressed.
    For best results, apply Sencor when chickpea vines are less than 2.5 in. high or are in the 1 to 3 node stage
    Desi chickpea varieties are less tolerant than the Kabuli varieties, so care should be taken when applying Sencor Solupak
    Single application a 2.5 kg bag treats 22.5 acres at a rate of 111 g/ac.
    Field Peas
    Please refer to label for complete list of weeds controlled and suppressed.
    For best results, apply Sencor with MCPA Na-salt when the vines are less than 6 in. long, or before the 6 node stage
    Apply the first application at the 2 leaf weed stage and the second application at the second flush
    Single application a 2.5 kg bag treats 16.5-22.5 acres at a rate of 111 g/ac.
    Split application a 2.5 kg bag treats 32-44 acres at a rate of 57-77 g/ac.
    Five 2.5 kg bags of Sencor Solupak plus three 10 L jugs of MCPA Na-salt treats 160 acres

    Apply Sencor as a broadcast spray mixed with a minimum of 15 US gal./ac. (57 L/ac.) of water – lower water volumes will increase the risk of leaf burn
    Sencor should be mixed with water only and not with fertilizer solutions
    Follow Sencor applications with a post-grass treatment such as Centurion® and allow four to five days between applications – if grassy weeds emerge first, apply Centurion followed by Sencor in four to five days
    Better weed control performance can be attained with a split application of Sencor.
    In chickpeas and lentils, Sencor provides weed suppression only. Refer to label.
    Do not use on soils with less than 4% organic matter
    Growers applying Sencor herbicide on soils with low organic matter levels (but greater than 4%) should reduce rates and apply Sencor in split applications
    Do not apply Sencor if the short-term forecast calls for rain of two or more inches; applications followed by high precipitation can lead to leaching
    Crop root uptake can show symptoms seven to 10 days later; this can lead to stand reduction and plant injury

    Graze treated wheat or barley crop or feed treated crop to livestock within 30 days of application
    Graze treated field peas, processing peas, chickpeas, lentils or feed treated crops to livestock within 70 days of application

    Ground – minimum 15 US gal./ac. (70 L/ac.)

    6 hours


    Sensitive crops for the year after Sencor application include: onions, celery, peppers, cole crops, lettuce and spinach, sugar beets, table beets and turnips, pumpkin and squash, cucumbers and melons, tobacco and non-triazine-tolerant canola (rapeseed).

    • Note: Most of the crops listed above apply to Eastern Canada.

    Where possible, rotate the use of Sencor® or other Group 5 herbicides with products from different herbicide groups that control the same weeds in the field.
    Broadleaf weeds such as hemp-nettle, chickweed and wild mustard continue to become resistant to weed control products with Group 2 chemistry. A combination of Edge® and Sencor will help manage resistant populations of kochia. As a Group 5 herbicide, Sencor provides another mode of action in herbicide rotation strategies for these weeds and others that appear on the Sencor label. Sencor will also control all herbicide-tolerant volunteer canola.



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